David Mitchell and Robert Webb think people have made "a sport" out of being offended by jokes.

Robert Webb and David Mitchell
The 'Peep Show' stars - known as Mitchell and Webb - have admitted they think people criticise comedians for their own personal enjoyment.
Speaking at a screening of the new series of 'Peep Show' in London, David said: "We're going through a bad patch in terms of people being very judgmental about jokes.
"I'm going to blame Twitter. The fact that there is a sport of trying to find offence and enjoying an afternoon of, 'Oh, they said this terrible thing that's rude about so and so.
"The fun people have doing that - and it is fun, even if they don't admit it - is potentially killing the joy of humour for millions. We just need to relax a bit about jokes.
"We should celebrate the urge to amuse and not be so quick to assume that the person that's done a bit of an edgy joke in fact has some horrendous prejudiced agenda.
"You should be able to defend every joke you make, but the massively increased statistical likelihood with each joke that you're going to have to [defend it] does make you think, is it worth it?"
Robert, 43, agreed with his comedy partner and insisted social media is a "terrible place" to try and crack a joke.
He shared: "It's a great place for people who like to be misunderstood. [You think] 'If I do this, how many sanctimonious replies will I get? How many wilfully pedantic replies will I get? Is it worth it?'
"Let's just stop trying to be funny on Twitter because it's just too annoying."
The ninth and final series of 'Peep Show' starts on Wednesday November 11 at 10pm on Channel 4.
Tagged in Robert Webb David Mitchell