Curtis Pritchard feared his dancing career was "finished" after being attacked in a nightclub.

Curtis Pritchard

Curtis Pritchard

The 24-year-old star and his brother AJ, 25, were both attacked in a nightclub back in 2018, and Curtis immediately feared for his long-term future as a dancer, having suffered a serious knee injury.

Appearing on the BBC One special 'Dear NHS Superstars', Curtis shared: "Everyone was going, 'Your face, your face, Curtis!'

"And I said, 'I don't care about my face, I can't walk.' I couldn't put any weight on my knee, and the first thing that's going through my head is, 'Oh my gosh, my dancing career - gone, finished.'"

Curtis had to undergo an emergency operation due to his injuries.

However, he's thankful that NHS staff were able to help rescue his career.

He said: "They took us straight to the hospital, and within two days I was on the operating table.

"I danced on TV five weeks after my operation. I've got to thank my surgeon, I've got to thank everyone at the NHS, because I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in right now if it wasn't for them, so honestly thank you."

Curtis actually appeared on 'Love Island' just five months after the attack.

And, speaking earlier this year, he admitted the NHS had done an "incredible" job in the circumstances.

He explained: "Honestly, the NHS were just so incredible. From the ambulance to the hospital to the after-care, I couldn't fault the amazing medical staff.

"I had to have a knee operation quite quickly, and naturally I was worried I wouldn't be able to dance again. But because of them, I got through it, I'm dancing again and I'm working again."

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