Charlie Lawson has blasted "fame-obsessed" young soap stars.

Charlie Lawson

Charlie Lawson

The 61-year-old actor - who played Jim McDonald on 'Coronation Street' on and off from 1989 to 2018 - accused younger soap actors of having a bad attitude and urged them to forget about fame and focus on their craft.

He told the Daily Star newspaper: "If you want to get into acting, stop being obsessed by fame.

"Most young actors I meet are more interested in being famous than practising their craft. Throw all that bad attitude away and go to drama school. It wasn’t meant to be easy.

"I watch the actors of today on very popular and celebrated, familiar shows and some of them are just awful. Get in some work and learn your art."

Meanwhile, in 2018, Charlie suffered a transient ischemic attack - which is known as a mini-stroke - on the opening night of his portrayal of the titular inspector in the play 'Rebus'.

The star later admitted the incident had changed his outlook on life.

Speaking in June 2019, he said: "I'm fine, I was one of the lucky ones. But when you have a TIA it changes your outlook on life.

"You look at mortality in the face and you embrace it. But I'm fine.

"I did need to just switch off. It affected me emotionally for a couple of months and you do need to sit back and you learn to appreciate more the people you treasure."