Captain Tom Moore is planing to celebrate his 100th birthday alongside a host of famous faces.

Captain Tom Moore

Captain Tom Moore

The war veteran - who has raised £32 million for the National Health Service amid the coronavirus pandemic - hopes to stage a big birthday bash once social distancing measures are lifted, with 'Britain's Got Talent' magician Richard Jones set to be among the attendees.

A source told The Sun Online: "There are acts who are going to perform and Richard's army link made him an obvious choice.

"He's going to be teaching Tom a few magic tricks."

Richard served in the Parachute regiment in the British Army, meaning he and Captain Tom - who turned 100 on April 30 - share a military background.

A spokesperson for the TV star explained: "As a Lance Corporal and Queens guard Richard and Captain Tom are like-minded souls when it comes to military service.

"Richard has confirmed he will be meeting with Tom at the first opportunity to celebrate his 100th birthday."

Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently led the tributes to Captain Tom on his 100th birthday.

The politician - who recently returned to work after overcoming coronavirus - said: "Captain Tom, I know I speak for the whole country when I say, 'We wish you a very happy 100th birthday'. Your heroic efforts have lifted the spirits of the entire nation.

"You've created a channel to enable millions to say a heartfelt thank you to the remarkable men and women in our NHS who are doing the most astounding job."

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