Brendan O'Carroll says he wasn't interested in selling out his Agnes Brown character to advertisers.

Brendan O'Carroll
The 63-year-old comedian - who is best known for playing the outrageous Irish mother in sitcom 'Mrs. Brown's Boys' - refused to sell the rights to his alter ego, and he insisted he has turned down numerous offers to appear in commercials for household goods and everyday food items over the years.
He's quoted by the Daily Star newspaper as saying: "People wanted her for adverts but in the end I said no.
"I felt that if we do this then we would end up being tied to it for life and I didn't want that.
"And anyway the product would have to have been really massive to make it worth it - something like a Christmas ad for M&S or Tesco."
Meanwhile, Brendan also recently revealed that he snubbed an offer from the BBC to remake "Allo 'Allo.'
The TV star said the broadcaster was keen for him to swap Anges Brown's wig and Apron for cafe owner Rene Artoi's famous waistcoat for a revival of the 1980s sitcom.
He previously said: "We were asked to remake ''Allo 'Allo' using our cast. I'd have been Rene. it sounded intriguing and I was tempted.
"But down the line, I'd seen some comedy remakes during the last couple of years and I just thought: 'No. They don't compare'. It was what it was at the time."
Brendan also turned down the idea because he doesn't see the need for remakes when the originals are still so beloved by the public.
He explained: "I remember one year when the TV ratings came in and during one week the most-viewed show on telly that night was a repeat of 'Mrs. Brown's Boys' and the second most popular was 'Dad's Army'.
"It shows they still stand up! I say why re-invent Champagne. You just end up with sparkling wine."