Ali Bastian's husband David O'Mahony is "absolutely gutted" after his coronavirus vaccination was cancelled.

Ali Bastian and David O'Mahony

Ali Bastian and David O'Mahony

The 38-year-old West End star, who suffers from severe asthma, claims he was invited to book his jab but it was then axed because he is "not part of the priority group", and he has found the process "cruel" and likened it to "offering starving people food and then picking up the plate before they take the first mouthful".

He wrote on Twitter: "on Friday I was invited by #EssexHouseSurgery and

@accuRx to book my COVID vaccination. I booked for tomorrow morning. I was then told tonight, that they were CANCELLING as I was not part of the ‘priority group’. I have severe asthma but was fine with...

...waiting my turn. What I don’t understand is why I would be OFFERED a vaccination then have it cancelled last minute. How incredibly cruel and unusual to play with people like that. After a year we’ve all had do we REALLY need to put people through more emotional heartache?!

I’ve lost two friends my age in the last two weeks and the news that I was going to get a vaccine went some way to assuage the fear and anxiety I’m sure EVERYONE is feeling.

How many other people’s hopes are being dashed tonight?! I didn’t ASK for the vaccine; I didn’t jump any queue; I was TOLD to book an appointment. This is like offering starving people food and then picking up the plate before they take the first mouthful.

I’m totally gutted. (sic)"

Former 'Hollyoaks' star Ali - who played Becca Dean in the Channel 4 soap - admitted it has been an "emotional rollercoaster" for David.

She wrote: "This has really smashed us tonight. Feel really messed with. We are of course more than happy to wait our turn, but this is not the kind of emotional rollercoaster anyone needs right now. (sic)"

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