Abbie Quinnen feared AJ Pritchard would stop loving her after she suffered horrific burns in a fireball accident.

Abbie Quinnen and AJ Pritchard

Abbie Quinnen and AJ Pritchard

The 23-year-old dancer was worried she was going to die after a stunt intended for social media went badly wrong and she was left with third-degree burns.

Abbie shared: "AJ and I just wanted to do the lifehack video for fans to watch at home. It was a popular video online so we were doing a test-run in the kitchen that I was going to film.

"My hair caught fire and within seconds the flames had spread to my top and my body was alight.

"It was such a shock, I was panicking and screaming. I dropped down to the floor and I was rolling to try to put out the fire.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes. I never thought something like that would happen to me.

"The first thing I said to AJ was, ‘Is my face going to be OK? Are you still going to love me?’ I kept repeating this to him and I was shaking in horror."

After the accident, AJ and his brother Curtis did their best to comfort Abbie, but they were both stopped from seeing her at the hospital because of coronavirus restrictions.

Speaking to The Sun newspaper, she recalled: "AJ was comforting me - I couldn’t speak as I was in so much shock. I was shaking, and I just kept asking if he would still love me. I was wearing a dressing gown and leggings.

"My face was burning hot, it felt very painful. I was lucky it missed my eye.

"I had massive blisters filled with water on my chest, neck and face and they had to pop them and clean the areas.

"It was extremely painful. The doctor made me feel at ease.

"He was constantly contacting AJ, who was outside the hospital all night with Curtis. They wouldn’t let him in due to coronavirus."

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