Boris Johnson meets Little Ant & Dec / Credit: ITV

In this weekend's edition of Saturday Night Takeaway, Little Ant and Little Dec come face to face with the Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

Grilling him about his hair, "posh totty" and London slang, the duo even find the time to give a present to the Mayor.

Little Dec presents Boris Johnson with a present / Credit: ITV

"Thank you very much I will keep that it's a handy looking object, I can use it to scratch my back." Boris replies after the pair give him a comb.

When they put the Mayor on the spot by asking what Little Dec's father means when he says "there is a lot of posh totty in London", he replies "I don't know what your father means by that but I'm sure he's right."

The Mayor gets into the spirit of things / Credit: ITV

The hilarious interview is to broadcast on this Saturday's show, starting at 7pm on ITV.

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