The latest eviction on Big Brother Canada season three saw the first blindside of the series, as Jordan Parhar was sent packing in a tight vote that will likely shake the house into chaos and drama.
Now that his chance at the prize and title of Big Brother Canada champion has gone by, Female First put some questions to Jordan in a new and exclusive interview which sees him talk about his relationship with Sindy, just where he thinks his alliance with Zach crumbled and much more. Read on to find out what he had to say.

You've been evicted in one of the most shocking blindsides we've seen in a Big Brother show for some time now, how do you feel about the whole situation now that you have been out of the house and have had a bit of time to reflect?
Last night I was so shocked I couldn't believe it - that I was evicted - I thought it would be a unanimous vote, that Godfrey was going home and he did a great job! He was acting sad like he was going home and that I was completely safe, so yeah, it's crazy getting voted out of the house especially because you're locked away from society for over a month and you don't see anybody else other than your fellow houseguests, and then all of a sudden you're just hit by a bunch of people at once, and then also on top of that you're completely blindsided and you can't actually fathom that you're not in the house anymore. So yeah I feel that it's disappointing and obviously I wish it could have gone differently but, I had it coming to me. I've made my bed now I have to lie in it.
How did the re-emergence of Sindy into the game affect your play and strategy?
The re-emergence of Sindy into the game actually really hurt my game because, Sindy coming back, it caused people to view me as a bigger threat because I had a showmance and I had somebody who was in my back pocket 100%, so I think people were threatened by that.
And also Sindy, bless her heart she's a great girl but, she's not the greatest at the game. I'd tell her some little information and she'd go around and she;d go tell the entire house so, that wasn't good at all and I think that people could see that I trusted her and I had faith in her and that didn't really help out so much.
And also this week with Zach winning Head of Household, initially the plan was as far as he told me was to put me on the block as a pawn, he was gonna win the Power of Veto, pull me off and then put up Bobby or Bruno, a big threat in the game and we would send them home this week. But with Sindy coming back we had one extra person in the game and Zach felt like he wasn't ready to sprint to the finish line, start winning competitions and putting his neck on the line because he felt that he was safe with Bobby and Bruno, when in reality now after this vote, looks like he isn't.
So yeah, to sum it all up just Sindy coming back wasn't good for my game.
From the outside you and Zach seemed unstoppable in your Newport alliance, when do you think that all changed?
That definitely changed this week, I think people realised how with Zach willing to put me on the block, I think people thought we were very tight, they wanted to get rid of us, they realised that we had basically been controlling the house, so they wanted to take a shot us.
So this was the week, day 20, I think on like day 30-ish I realised that people were threatened by Zach, but I didn't think they would take a shot at us this soon and yeah, that's why I was so shocked last night.

We saw your showmance/romance with Sindy, tell us about that.
Sindy and I, it started with her. She's a 26-year-old pageant girl, I am a 21-year-old dweeb to put it lightly, so I did not see it coming at all! One day I was minding my own business and she came and kissed me, and I thought, 'oh okay this is kinda cool'. But I thought she was on the block, she was nominated, she was about to go home, I thought she was just trying to campaign to get votes, but then when she actually came back into the house she talked about how she missed me, and how she would be really upset if I was to leave. She seemed to really genuinely like me so, we actually have a really good relationship and I wish I would have had some more time with her in the house. But yeah, we'll see what happens from here. She lives in Toronto I live in Vancouver so, I honestly don't wanna burst anyone's bubble but I don't see anything happening post-show but, you never know!
This was a closely split vote, where do you think the house goes from here in terms of shifting dynamics and alliances?
Very close vote and now the line in the sand has been drawn. I think that on one side of the house we're gonna have the couples, so we're gonna have Zach, Ashleigh, Kevin and Pili, and we're also gonna have Sindy thrown in there by association with me. Then on the other side of the house we'll have everybody else, so Bobby, Bruno, Willow, Brittnee and Sarah, and then they're gonna go to war! So it's gonna be some good TV, you should definitely tune in! I wish I could, I'll be sitting in the Jury House so I won't be able to, but I'm really excited, it's gonna be a really fun season.
Who do you think is prone to blowing up and could force the house into chaos?
That's a great question - I think Sindy is gonna blow up this week because she's gonna come back with a vengeance, she's probably really upset that I left and she had no idea that I was going home, so I could definitely see her blowing up and making some waves, and I hope she avenges me!

Who do you think will be coming out of the house next week and does that differ to who you would like out of the house?
I think Zach or Kevin will be right behind me which is sad because those are probably the two guys I was closest to in the house, so I think they'll be following me, I don't want them to come.
If it was my, you know emotionally I would like to see Bobby come out just because I don't really think he's playing the greatest game and he's very cocky and thinks he's so safe. As a superfan and somebody who's not like Bobby at all, it's frustrating to see that.
And also Sarah totally slit my throat and stabbed me in the back so emotionally I would love to see Sarah because she totally screwed me over. Her and Brittnee, I thought I was tight with them, I think at least they turned on me, so any of those three I'd be very happy.
Who's your money on to make the final three at this point in the game?
That's a very good question, it's very tough. If I had to guess I would probably say Bruno, Sarah and... give me Brittnee to be in the final three. I think those three will be sitting there at the end.
Finally which houseguests would you like to remain in touch with when all is said and done?
Oh my gosh, that's a great question. Honestly I genuinely liked everyone in the house to some extent. I'm not gonna be able to keep in touch with everybody I guess, but I'm sure Zach and I will be good friends after this, I'm sure Kevin and I will be good friends after this, and we'll keep in touch for sure. I had a really good relationship with Ashleigh, Sindy, Sarah - even though she backstabbed me. So many people in the house, the names can go on. Even people who were evicted before me - Johnny, Naeha - it was just a great cast, a great group of people and I was honoured I got to play the game with such a great group.
Big Brother Canada continues this Sunday at 7pm ET/PT on Global.
Tagged in Big Brother