We're three episodes deep into the new series of The Real Housewives of Cheshire, and the ladies are already getting caught up in some of the most heated drama the show has ever seen! We got the chance to catch up with one of the stars of the show, Hanna Miraftab, to talk all about what we've seen so far, as well as what's coming up, and of course her career as a cosmetic dentist.
The new series has only just started, but the drama has run over from last series! What can you tell us about what's coming up in future episodes?
Drama with a capital D! There are fall-outs and make-ups as there is with any group of alpha females. We are all strong women and it’s only natural that there are glitches along the way.
You're good friends with Dawn at the start of the show, but the two of you have ran into some bumps in your friendship. Can you talk us through what you were going through in that moment we saw in the second episode of this series? Will that escalate moving forward?
Dawn and I are both very head-strong and that is always going to come out in situations that are heightened by the filming, surroundings and Chinese whispers.
I was upset at the time about the situation and will still stand my ground about that but myself and Dawn will always be friends - fiery friends! The main thing about that evening was that Rachel raised a fantastic amount for a very worthy charity.
As well as filming the show, you're a cosmetic dentist! How have you found balancing those two worlds?
To be honest, it is tricky! But I’m so lucky that my practice, Kiln Lane Dental, has a fantastic team behind it who have been so supportive and held things together for me. I have obviously continued to work whilst filming the show and also planning mine and Martin’s upcoming wedding; there’s never a dull moment in our lives at the moment!
The industry you're in is a male-dominated one; do you think you've had to work twice as hard to be recognised as a success?
Absolutely. Sadly, there’s still a big imbalance in gender equality in the workplace and women, including myself, have to stand up and shout to be heard. But thankfully I’ve learnt how to do that now! I’m also lucky that because of the Housewives, my profile has been raised so that I can use this platform to raise awareness about equality and celebrate women’s success in business and home life.
Were you ever worried that the stigma surrounding reality TV may give others a stick to beat you with, so to speak?
Yes, although I feel like the benefits outweigh the risks. Thankfully, my experience on the Real Housewives of Cheshire has been positive and I’ve been able to use the opportunity to help with some wonderful charities and give back to the community. I’ve visited my old school on several occasions to hopefully help inspire the female business leaders of the future and I’ve been able to raise awareness and valuable funds for local and national charities.

What would you say have been some of the biggest challenges you've faced in your career to-date?
When I was first starting my career path, a lot of people were looking to me to gauge my experience. Being a young woman, I needed to get past the stigmas attached and gain my patients' trust at work.
Also in my academic days, when I was studying for a Masters in Prosthodontics, I was also working and juggling the two was a tricky period - I got there though!
What advice do you have for those who are interested in pursuing a career similar to your own?
Never. Give. Up. Don’t let the thought times squash your dreams, dig deep and have faith; all will come good in the end.
There's a huge conversation surrounding aftercare from reality TV teams following the passing of the late Love Island star Mike Thalassitis; what are the team like on Real Housewives of Cheshire when it comes to looking after you all?
The team on RHOC are super supportive. They’re always available if we need to talk about anything off camera or behind the scenes, and they have a psychologist on hand too if we need that level of support. I can’t fault their care during and after filming.
Finally, what should we expect from you throughout the rest of 2019?
Me and Martin have got a very busy year ahead and I’m so excited for our wedding in September. It’s going to be a wonderful day and I can’t wait to see all our plans come together. We also have once in a lifetime trip and experience planned for our honeymoon that I’m sure may surprise some people, so watch this space and I’m sure you’ll hear all about that later in the year!

The Real Housewives of Cheshire continues Mondays at 10pm on ITVBe.
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Tagged in The Real Housewives of Cheshire