With Game of Thrones' fifth season right around the corner and the world premiere coming to the Tower of London just next week, we're taking bets on who's likely to be killed off in the upcoming string of ten episodes.

Does he know anything? / Credit: HBO

Does he know anything? / Credit: HBO

George R. R. Martin has warned that characters will meet their ends which haven't even been revealed yet in the book series, and expects that fans will hate the season by the time all is said and done.

So who'll keep their head? Here's our guesses for the five guys and gals we think could be calling season five their last...

1) Roose Bolton

Roose Bolton (left) / Credit: HBO
Roose Bolton (left) / Credit: HBO

Roose is hideous and dealt the killing blow to Robb Stark at The Red Wedding, acting on behalf of The Lannisters. With his bastard born son Ramsay becoming an ever more present character, it wouldn't take too much to convince me that Roose will be disposed of in order to give Ramsay even more power than he's harbouring now. He is officially a Bolton now, after all. Poor Reek.

Probable cause of death: Murdered by bastard son Ramsay.

2) Grey Worm

Grey Worm with Missandei / Credit: HBO
Grey Worm with Missandei / Credit: HBO

Growing ever closer to Missandei, Grey Worm is one of Daenerys' most loyal followers, and it's been far too long without Team Targaryen facing a heavy blow. Grey Worm's death would certainly cause a storm - just how would Missandei cope without her potential future lover - would she turn into a woman thirsty for blood or shrink back into herself? Though things are looking good for this group, the Seven Kingdoms always have their way of dealing a huge blow.

Probable cause of death: Becomes dragon food.

3) Podrick Payne

Podrick with Brienne / Credit: HBO
Podrick with Brienne / Credit: HBO

Clumsy yet loyal to a fault, Pod is with Brienne of Tarth for the long haul, but will the former blumbering youngster be able to keep up as she goes on her quest with her newly acquired Oathbreaker? He's loveable - so definitely on a list of those that may be cut - and it wouldn't take much.

Probable cause of death: Trips and hits his head on a nearby rock.

4) Ser Jorah Mormont

Ser Jorah Mormont / Credit: HBO
Ser Jorah Mormont / Credit: HBO

Daenerys has had enough of Ser Jorah and banished him from her company after discovering that when he first met her, he was acting as a spy on behalf of King Robert Baratheon. Despite a change of heart and now wanting to serve only Daenerys, he's told to leave her company - just how will he survive on his own? It's likely he won't.

Probable cause of death: Starvation.

5) Jon Snow

Jon Snow / Credit: HBO
Jon Snow / Credit: HBO

Let's be clear when we say, despite the 'You know nothing, Jon Snow' catchphrase, this man is actually quite intelligent when it comes to creating alliances and forging his path. Why then do we think he's going to die? Because George R. R. Martin enjoys sticking a dagger into the hearts of viewers worldwide, and what better way to do that than with the death of one of the most-loved characters the show can offer? With the Lannisters small fall from grace back in season four, it's back to the 'good guys' of Westeros to face some dire consequences.

Probable cause of death: Falling off The Wall. Pushed by Melisandre.

Who do you think will meet a sticky end in Game of Thrones season five? The series begins on April 12 in America on HBO, coming to the UK on Sky Atlantic a day later.

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