Everybody’s favourite Dallas women are back for the new season of The Real Housewives of Dallas, with two new ladies joining the fray for a series that looks to be one of the most dramatic in the entire Housewives franchise.

LeeAnne Locken returns for Real Housewives of Dallas S2
We got the chance to put some questions to arguably the most polarising character from the show, LeeAnne Locken, all about what we should expect from the new episodes, her journey with anger management and much more. Read on to find out what she had to say…
For those who haven’t yet started the second season of Real Housewives of Dallas, what should we expect?
It’s one bumpy, exciting, thrilling, shocking, over-the-top ride. There isn’t one word to describe this season.
What should viewers expect from the new cast members, D’Andra and Kameron, on the show?
D’Andra adds a lot of value, comedy and a lot of heart. D’Andra is just a beautiful human being. She really cares about her family and friends. She’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met and that’s why we’re best friends.
Kameron is freaking funny and hilarious! I always say that I’m a thoroughbred in a land full of mules, however she has totally one-upped me. She’s a unicorn. I didn’t think they existed until I met her.
We know you as somebody from the first season who doesn’t take being involved in drama lightly; should we expect more confrontation with your fellow Housewives this time round?
100%. Here’s the deal. I’m always going to call it like I see it. I’m going to point out when you’re two-faced. I’m not one of those people who is good at holding their tongue. I’m the most blunt and honest person, next to D’Andra. It gives me the heebie jeebies when people are fake. Just be real and if you do something, own up to it.
We also see you taking part in anger management this season; how have you found that experience?
I love it and I am so grateful. At the end of the season I was so unhappy and miserable. I watched the season and was so disappointed in myself and found I was really defensive. Rich watched it and said, “you’re not the person I know and love”. So then I went to talk to the therapist. I told her that I’m not going to hold back and I also don’t want her to hold back. First of all, I’m actually paying her for her time. And secondly, if she holds back and stops pushing me, I’m wasting my time.
It was important for me to do it on camera because the tweets I see from people talking about how my therapy has halped them, is incredible. The other girls want to say it’s fake that I’m showing my therapy on camera, but I’m doing it for a reason, so they need to appreciate the reason.
What do you make of Stephanie and Brandi’s relationship, with them feuding despite their close friendship last year?
We’ll they’ve made up which is good. However, Brandi did not say a lot of the authentic reasons as to why she was unhappy with Stephanie. It was hard because I heard everything Brandi said about Stephanie and Brandi didn’t expose it. I know how she felt but she didn’t bring it up.

Have any other dynamics shifted dramatically this season?
I think our trip to Mexico is going to be insane. You know how everyone pronounces ‘tequila’, well I call it ‘To Kill Ya’, because that’s what it was like in Mexico!
Now in your second season, has filming become second nature to you?
I guess for me, seeing as I’ve also spent 30 years acting, I don’t really care about the cameras. I don’t notice them and I always say what I think in front of them and own it when the episode airs.
What would you say are some of the biggest challenges, being a part of this franchise?
It would have to be dealing with the fake and the over-dramatized fakeness on social media. The thing is, you can’t be sugary sweet on camera and the viper on Twitter; it’s not right.
Finally, what should we expect from you in the coming months away from the show?
Right now I’m working with the flood victims and animals that are affected by the Houston floods. It’s my home town so that’s the primary focus for me. In the upcoming weeks I’ve got the Ultimate Women’s Expo. I’m going to be a keynote speaker there where I talk about being authentic and owning your truth. We’ve also got Dallas Pride coming up, so I’m really excited about that.
The Real Housewives of Dallas season 2 streams Tuesdays on hayu, reality on demand.