In Big Brother Canada's first ever triple eviction, Kevin Martin fell victim alongside Willow MacDonald in a shocking and explosive night of drama and confusion. Brittnee Blair took the live show Head of Household competition and was asked to name three nominees to be put on the block. Initially targetting Kevin alongside Zach Oleynik, winner of the Power of Veto competition Bruno Ielo took his friend Zach off the block with Willow placed up as a replacement.
Now with Pilar Nemer as the third nominee, she was saved by her fellow houseguests before her house romance Kevin and friend Willow were sent out of the door. Female First got the chance to chat to Kevin about his eviction, the big twists, why he should get a chance to go back in the house and much more in a new and exclusive interview.

You've gone from being HoH to evicted and a member of the Jury all in the space of a few hours, have you had time to reflect on the past day or so at all yet?
NO! I've had no time at all! Yeah, it just happened so, so fast, it was a blur, I'm still trying to process what happened and if there was something I could do to potentially save myself. It was a really tough spot with not a lot of time to work with, so it hasn't sunk in it all, and yeah, the next couple of weeks I'm just gonna be sitting in the Jury House wondering, 'what if?' (laughs)
Despite being evicted this week, how does it feel being part of Big Brother Canada's first triple eviction?
It feels... pretty miserable, to be part of Canada's first triple eviction. Yes, it's a cool twist! Yes, it's good TV! Yes, it's epic! But it's another variable that brings less control to the game, right? There's so many variables in the equation that is Big Brother Canada, and to try to control it, and then a triple eviction? Ugh, it's kinda tough. I'm sure I'll appreciate it later on but right now, I can't, I can't! I can't lie and say I appreciate the triple eviction.
If you didn't win the standard HoH this week but went on to win the live show HoH, which three houseguests would you have nominated?
Great question, great question! Bruno would have been nominated. We never were on the same page game-wise. I probably would have nominated also, ugh, maybe even B, and then... oh this is a tough question! Triple evictions! You don't think about this! B would have been nominated as well, again a pawn situation. She would have been saved just because she's been in that spot so many times, and probably I would have thrown... maybe even Sarah up there. Sarah's a little crafty, she was definitely playing multiple sides. So yeah, Bruno, B, Sarah, hopefully B would have stayed, Bruno and Sarah would have left.

Why do you think Brittnee used the HoH to target you and send you to jury?
Great question again! Brittnee was really upset about being the pawn situation every single week, so her thing was not necessarily to make the most logical move, she just wanted to make big moves. She really didn't wanna be looked as a pawn, so from that point of view obviously it was gonna be me and Zach as the main targets. So she really wanted to use her HoH to make a big move and eh, it was probably pretty logical as well to go after us.
Where do you think your game went wrong?
Where did it go wrong? As soon as Arisa Cox said that three people were leaving the house in one night! And that you weren't gonna have any time to do anything about it! So yeah, I mean I work very slowly and meticulously in the Big Brother Canada house. Give me days, give me weeks, give me conversations, give me opportunities. 25 minutes and I have to avoid a triple eviction? That's where it went wrong. (laughs)
There was a romance in the house between you and Pilar, do you think that this is something that will develop outside of the house?
Oooooo! I mean, Pilar still has a lot of work to do! I want her to win so badly. I'm cheering for her from the Jury House. There are real, authentic feelings. I mean, it is a game but in there it's such a weird environment, you can't help but grow and connect emotionally, so yes, we'll give it a shot let's just say.
What antics will you and your fellow jury members be getting up to at the Jury House?
As much alcohol as possible please. (laughs) We're gonna be like the bitter family that just reminisces about how WE should have won and WE should have made it. We're just gonna sit there and probably just gossip about the idiots that are still in the house!
If there's another twist and a chance for a jury member to go back into the house, why should you be given another shot?
What a tease question this is! Oh my goodness. If I got a chance to go back in the house... Canada, if you vote! If anybody out there has any say to put me back in that house, please. Mentally, physically I feel like I played at such an elite level, give me another chance! I got out on a mega twist, it's not fair! Put me back! I'd saw my arm off to go back in that house! I deserve a shot, because no-one else in that Jury House will play at the level that I played at and will attempt to win like I did.

At this point if you had to make a prediction, who do you think will make final three?
Based off of that night (his eviction), I mean lots of crazy stuff went down! Godfrey Mangwiza is kind of out of the radar right now, so he really has a chance to make it there. Also B is gonna make it there most likely, she's still gonna stay in that pawn situation. So I'm gonna go Godfrey, B, give me maybe Ashleigh Wood. Also someone that's not talked about a lot but she's smart, she's physical, she's gonna start winning some of these challenges, so yeah that's my final three. Zach? No chance. Someone like Bruno? No chance. My final three - Godfrey, B and Ashleigh.
If you had to vote for a winner today, who would get your vote and why?
My heart would write down Pili's name so fast, but if I had to look at who's played the best game out of those seven people left, I would write down... again! It seems crazy, I never thought I would do this, but the way Godfrey Mangwiza has played is just so baffling to me. The fact that he continues to survive week to week and just fight it out... I would write down Godfrey's name. How crazy he was at the start of the game and to where he is at this point? Yeah, my vote's for Godfrey.
Finally which of your fellow houseguests - current or evicted - do you hope to keep in touch with when all is said and done?
I'm gonna say all of 'em. These are beautiful, beautiful people. We were put in a very stressful environment, the blow-ups that happened, the fights that happened, yes they were real but to meet someone on the outside world is gonna give us a whole new perspective. So obviously Pili, I can't wait to hang out with her outside this house. But Ashleigh, Zach, Jordan - oh I miss Jordan so much! Johnny, oh my God Johnny, what a great guy! Everybody, I can't wait to meet them all.
Watch Big Brother Canada next on Global this Sunday at 7pm ET/PT.
Tagged in Big Brother