Put on the block by Brittnee during her Head of Household reign after Kevin was taken off by Johnny following a Power of Veto win, Graig Merritt has become the fourth evictee in Big Brother Canada 3.
Now though he has a chance to get back in the house and start over, so before he was put back into sequester, we were able to put some questions to Graig about his gameplay, enemies and much more, in a new and exclusive Big Brother Canada interview.

So Graig, now that you know you could potentially re-enter The Big Brother house, how would your game change if you were to go back in?
Okay, so I would definitely change my demeanour. I would not play the game so hard, I would take some time off from playing game. From the second I got in there until the second I got evicted, I was playing the Big Brother game super hard, when I probably should have been, as Peter Brown said; 'a little bit more Ninja, and a little less Ginja'.
Who would you align with in the house if you were successful in gaining your spot back?
You know what? That's a great question and I would have to get in the house, see who was left in the house, see how my old alliance was... Maybe I would go after my old alliance and align with new people, maybe I'll align with the Chop Shop. I won't know that until I get back into the house.
Why do you think you've ruffled some feathers in the house?
Just because it's my personality, you know? I'm outspoken, I speak the truth, I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I'm comfortable with who I am but I know that I'm a strong personality and could ruffle some feathers of other people.

Fans saw this week that you were considering self-evicting, why was that?
A bit homesick, a bit defeated, a bit of my ego knowing that I was gonna be evicted... all of those things... claustrophobic a bit in that house comes to mind. It was just a weak moment I had for about 10 or 15 minutes, it passed and, the other reason I wanted to self-evict is because no-one in Big Brother history has ever self-evicted, and I love doing things that no-one else has ever done.
Who was your biggest enemy in the house, past or present?
So past and present, my biggest enemy is probably (laughs) there was a few! So, I'll start the list with Sindy and I'll end it with Johnny. Even though I really do enjoy Johnny's company, we were competing against each other. He's a great competitor and I'm a great competitor and we were battling, I don't know if enemy is the word because I do really enjoy Johnny's company but, in the Big Brother house he was an enemy.
And what about Sindy?
No comment on that further.
Why do you think Brittnee put you on the block as a target this week?
Brittnee smelled out my game and knew that I was trying to play her. Brittnee was making big moves, she was targetting Johnny, she had two big players on the block in Kevin and Bobby and essentially came after me. She made a great move. She was going after a big player and she got a big target out, which was myself.

Which houseguest do you hope will be fifth out the door?
I hope Johnny is out of that house for sure, and I know that the Chop Shop, my old alliance is going after him, and I know most of the house is going after him, and yeah, he's a strong player, I hope he's next.
Make an early prediction - who will get to the final three?
My final three right now, I will say Zach, Kevin and JP, and I actually think Brittnee will be, she's got a chance to get in there if I had to pick a female. She's a dark horse and an underdog and I think she's really come a long way since day one, and she's playing the game really well, she's more comfortable in the house than she was in the first couple of weeks and, she's a dark horse, maybe she'll be in the final three.
Which houseguests would you like to keep in touch with when all is said and done?
If I could only choose one, that's such a tough question. I wanna keep in touch with lots of people. I can see myself and Bobby really hanging out, he's a traveller and I know he'll be coming out the West Coast, I'd love to snowboard with Bobby. But I'd love to keep in touch with Bruno and Zach and, some of the girls in the house as well... Willow, Brittnee, Sarah... I hope I can keep in touch with mostly all of them outside of the house.
Big Brother Canada continues Sunday at 7pm ET/PT on Global.