Marisol shares tea with Olivia

Marisol shares tea with Olivia

More twists and turns are in order for those tuning into 'Devious Maids' this Wednesday.

Campaigning for her son to be allowed to come into America, Rosie hires a lawyer with a hefty fee and gains help from an unsuspecting ally who she hopes doesn't want anything in return.

Meanwhile, Valentina makes her first move on Remi after being given the all-clear by her boss, Geneveive. Her mother Zoila is left unaware, but the truth always seems to find its way to the surface in Beverly Hills.

That's also the case for Taylor, whose past as an escort is brought up by arch-enemy Olivia in the supermarket. Deciding she has to tell her husband exactly what she used to do, he demands they leave the state, and bring Marisol along with them.

Carmen is happy to get a call from a major record producer who's interested in her music, but gets a little more than she bargained for when she accepts his offer of working with her.

Evelyn and Adrian Powell play host to an old friend - one who Evelyn seems to still have feelings for - and his arrival brings forth one of the biggest secrets Adrian has been holding to date, which should shock viewers immensely.

The third episode is the best yet, and if the series continues to deliver in this way it should do extremely well.

'Devious Maids' episode three airs Wednesday October 23 at 10pm on TLC.

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