Marisol finds out more details surrounding Flora

Spence and Perri Westmore agree to work on their marriage this week, after Rosie demanded that he give their relationship one final chance. However, things don't get off to the best start when they immediately start arguing over their meal.

In the Delatour house, preparations are being made for Remi's return from rehab, but will he be thankful to Valentina for exposing his drug abuse to her mother, or is she right to fear him coming home?

Marisol finds out something about her incarcerated son she would rather forget, leading her to wonder whether he would be capable of Flora's murder, but even more secrets are revealed when she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding those around the maid before she died.

While working at Taylor and Michael's house, Taylor reveals that she is finally pregnant, and she can't wait to share it with everybody. Husband Michael is overjoyed, but feels the need to tell his ex-wife Olivia before she hears the news from elsewhere, leading to some disastrous consequences.

Alejandro decides that he can trust Carmen to share some of his biggest secrets with her, as Odessa won't be able to come back to work for another couple of weeks, and he needs advice, help and an outlet to chat to.

In an episode that's both funny and shocking, 'Hanging The Drapes' shouldn't disappoint fans as massive revelations and exciting moves are made as we get ever closer to the season finale.

'Devious Maids' airs every Wednesday at 10pm on TLC.

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