What can you tell us about your new documentary Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered?
Ever since Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankahmun in 1922 (the only intact royal tomb to be found) the world has been gripped by 'Tut mania'. Not least because of the extraordinary amount of treasure that was found. But along with all the 'wonderful things', Carter had opened a world of mystery and speculation that lives to this day. Who was Tutankhamun? Who were his parents? Why was his tomb so small? Why and how did he die so young? In this film we wanted to examine some of the more popular (and more outlandish) theories, and by looking at the up to date scientific methods, try and shine a light on the life and death of this mysterious pharaoh.
There's a lot of new technology involved in the show, can you tell us a little bit about that?
Yes, as well as more traditional x-rays we were lucky enough to have access to the CT scans (Computed Tomography) of his mummy. These show not just the bones, but the soft tissues as well which give unparalleled views of the internal structure of the body without the need for invasive procedures. The mummy is in dreadful condition. Having access to this data and the thousands of images is very rare (for various political reasons). Also the DNA analysis gives us all the information we need about his parents. Ancient DNA is notoriously fragile and easily contaminated but we're more than confident of the results, particularly of the mitochondrial DNA that looks specifically at the maternal line. Confirmation of who Tut's mother was has now been officially confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt.
How did this experience stack up against the other shows you've been involved with in the past?
I've always been fascinated by what science and technology can bring to history. This is perhaps the most famous story in archaeology so being allowed access to it was daunting and a privilege. It was less hair-raising than a series like Supersized Earth which involved me dangling off tall buildings and diving in raw Mexican sewage. For me the root of a good documentary is story. If I'm fascinated by it hopefully the audience will be too.
What is it about the Egyptian past and history that you think makes it so compelling for audiences?
The scale of what was accomplished so long ago enthrals us. The fact that many people can't understand how the pyramids were built says more about our lack of imagination today. There is a vast ocean of time that separates our civilisations and artefacts like Tut's death mask function as a message in a bottle floating on to our shores like a bridge to the past. There is also the Indiana Jones treasure hunting element too. The only reason you've heard of Tut is because of Carter's amazing discovery.

Did you feel a pressure with this specific documentary because its focus is of such a massive historical figure?
Of course! There's been a lot of people involved in this story, hundreds of books written, and some of history's finest minds grappling with it. Throwing more ideas into the mix is daunting indeed. I could hear the various pencils sharpening as we filmed!
What should viewers expect to come away from this show with?
Three things: a clear understanding of what modern science tells us about Tut, hopefully a sense of knowing Tut a bit better as a person, and most importantly I'd like the audience to take away that sense of awe I got when I contemplated the nature of deep time when I looked into the eyes of the mask. To me that is what this film is. A truth about the nature of immortality. Tutankhamun is the one pharaoh who will live forever.
What's the dream exploration or discovery you'd like to have under your belt? I would love to spend time in Antarctica documenting some of the extraordinary work that's being done there in all areas of science.
Where should we expect to see you going forward?
Going to space would be fun too.

BBC 1 Documentary Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered, fronted by Dallas Campbell, airs tonight at 9pm @dallascampbell