With Sarah back on Coronation Street and the new resident bad boy Callum sticking around, it doesn't look like the pair are going to waste any time in making their relationship one that's solid and known across the cobbles.
Now fighting with David for custody of his son Max, the next few weeks will see him tangled in huge drama, with the consequences and outcome yet unknown. Here, actor Sean Ward discusses what's ahead and the storylines that are coming up in an interview distributed by ITV.

Does Callum fancy Sarah as soon as he sees her?
Yes, I think so yes. He definitely has an instant attraction towards her. When he first sees her he's got no clue who she is, he has no idea she's David's sister or even has anything to do with the Platts. He just sees her as a good looking girl who he wants to talk to.
Do they flirt as soon as they meet?
Sarah is quite a feisty young woman that's for sure, so yes I definitely think there's some flirting going on between them. They're both giving as good as they get, and she's certainly not shy - and neither is he!
Does Sarah know who he is?
Not immediately but she's definitely got her guard up about him from the get go. There's a sense that Sarah has come across guys like Callum before and she doesn't take any prisoners. She's seen his type before and she definitely knows he's a bit of a jack the lad and that he is probably bad news.
Is the fact she's David's sister an added attraction in that Callum knows it will annoy David if they get together?
Definitely, 100 per cent. Anything that can wind David up is a bonus to Callum and he certainly relishes the challenge once he finds out she's his sister and that she will have been told not to go near Callum. Bethany lets it slip to Callum, which Sarah isn't very happy about. That to Callum is like the golden ticket - it makes things very interesting for him.
What happens when Callum 'helps' Sarah send an e-mail?
She's having trouble with her rooter and Callum being the charming and helpful young man that he is, he offers her his services! We see them walk off to the Platts so it's left up to the viewer imagination what happens once they get there.
At this point does Callum regard Sarah a one-off? Or do you think he likes the fact that she's not throwing herself at him and she's got his card marked?
Yes that massively keeps his interests piqued. Every time he tries it with her she gives it right back and that's a big turn on for Callum. He likes feisty, strong women - that's why he liked Kyle.
What are his feelings when he finds out she's staying? Could they become a serious item?
It's more of a challenge and more about the chase to be honest, and about getting one over on David. To Callum, Sarah isn't quite on Kylie's level but I think she's come close in terms of giving it him back and putting him in his place. He enjoys that.
Bethany's quite feisty too - do you think Callum sees a bit of his younger self in her?
Yeh she's a chip off the old block like he was, and still is. She's not all innocent and she's up to no good most of the time.
What would happen if Kylie came back, would he drop Sarah for her?
In a heartbeat, yes straight away. If Kylie would have him - which isn't likely.

Would he use the fact that he's trying to be a good dad and get access to Max in an attempt to get Kylie back, if she came back on the scene?
Yes I think he'd pull out all barrels to try and get her back and make her see he's a bigger and better man than David. I think he would also worry that if Kylie got back with David that would give them more power and would weaken his position so I think he'd do everything he could to keep them apart.
Has it always been in Callum's head to scrap the mediation sessions and go straight to court re-custody of Max?
I think Callum thought mediation would be much more of an in-out job and much more cut and dry than it actually is - I think he thought that she would just say that Callum was the biological father so Max should be with him. But then when Callum realises it's much more than that and that it's going round the houses he sees that the mediator could well say it'd be more beneficial for Max to stay where he is. At that point Callum thinks he will have a better chance if they go to court where the birth certificate would be considered important. It's all about power.
Does he want full custody?
It's definitely gone past the point of just playing games, he definitely cares about Max. But I wouldn't say he was 100% committed to being a father and having full custody. He probably hasn't actually thought properly about what would happen if he was given full custody. It's a lot more about Max now than it used to be - it was all about scoring points over David and winning Kylie back at first. He just doesn't see David as a man and he doesn't want a guy like David bringing up his son - he thinks he's no man for the job.
We've seen a bit of Callum's mum on screen and she's a school teacher - what do you think happened to Callum to turn him into a bad lad?
I think Callum has grown up without a dad around and I think his mum bringing him up on her own was tricky when he was badly behaved. Once he finished school at 16 he just went straight into a job and fell into the wrong crowd. At that point Callum probably realised he could make more money doing dodgy things. His mum hasn't a clue what he gets up to.
What does he think when he sees Gandy in his car outside the Dog & Gun? Does he immediately think David has something to do with it?
For one he's fuming and then he tweaks and realises who he is, and that he's 'Gavin' from the Bistro and therefore there must be something suspicious going on. He's not going to let Gandy walk away until he tells him what's going on. He's got a feeling someone else is behind it and that it's probably David.
What happens next?
Callum shows them exactly what they're dealing with - he takes Gandy into the Dog and Gun, shows him whose turf he is on and who he is messing with. He sits him down and tells him he's going to get out of him what's going on.
What's the 'lesson' he intends to teach David? How far will Callum go?
As far as he needs to take it. He will do whatever it takes to secure Max. He will do whatever it takes to show David up as inadequate.
How are you enjoying this storyline?
I'm loving it. I used to watch Sarah-Lou when I was little and now I'm working alongside her. We have a lot of fun and Tina is so professional. Being part of the Platts is brilliant - they are one of the best families to be a part of.