In scenes of Celebrity Big Brother which aired yesterday (January 14) on Channel 5, Ex on the Beach star Megan McKenna had to be physically restrained by security in the house's Diary Room after refusing to calm down following a volatile exchange with fellow housemates John Partridge and Tiffany Pollard.

Seemingly blowing up at John in the house for no reason, she shouted that she was "sick of the fakeness" and wished people would simply say what they had to say to one another instead of behind each other's backs. Tiffany began to laugh at the chaos raining down in the bedroom, which prompted Megan to then start verbally attacking her. Not one to be talked down to, Tiffany went to get out of her bed which then saw other housemates intervene, worried that things may get physical between the two women.
Whilst all this was going on, Stephanie Davis was in the Diary Room telling Big Brother she wanted to leave the house because of the way in which she thought she was being portrayed. Stephanie has a boyfriend outside the house but has been seen getting close to Irish model Jeremy McConnell. (After her rant about how the public might see her as a cheat, she later climbed into bed with Jeremy for cuddles.) Big Brother was forced to ask Stephanie to leave the Diary Room so they could bring Megan in and stop the row from going any further.

"She is a lying little bully. She's a bully. She's a ghetto C**T!" Megan ranted in the Diary Room. 'Ghetto' when used negatively in this manner about a person of colour is derogatory and quite clearly peppered with racism. Would Megan ever call any of her fellow white housemates 'ghetto'? Definitely not and so that is where the problem lies.
Security were called in to help Megan calm down after she banged on the door demanding to be let back into the main house so she could continue her confrontation with Tiffany and John. She also smacked the Diary Room camera and walked out of the door into production's area, refusing to deal with the matter in front of a camera and throwing her microphone into the Diary Room before the episode came to a close.

Radio 1's Clara Amfo commented on the matter, along with singer Harvey and The Voice winner Jermain Jackman:
Big Brother confirmed following the episode that Megan received a formal warning for her behaviour and will be removed permanently if she repeats it:
It was a chaotic mess and whilst it was entertaining, some are blasting Big Brother for allowing it to get to the place it went and for airing the content. However, if we are to look at Big Brother as a show which brings people together from all different walks of life, we have to take the ugly with the good. This is a reflection on some of society - granted, it's a different slice altogether when the people involved have any sort of fame - but it's an inside look anyhow.
Now that we've had that look however, Megan should be removed, not just given a formal warning. If this was Big Brother back in the days when Channel 4 had the show, the contestant would have been out in a shot and rightfully so.

Housemates complained they felt 'unsafe' when Tiffany went on her rant in the house about Angie Bowie, and all she did was raise her voice. Megan has lashed out not only verbally but physically at objects in the house including cameras, showing her temper can very easily get the better of her and that she is the real threat.
Did any housemates complain about feeling threatened because of Megan? Not that we saw. Delving deeper into that rabbit hole opens up a whole new can of worms.
This comes after it was revealed Ofcom is now assessing complaints about a comment made by John Partridge which some viewers found to be racially motivated.
Partridge said: "[Tiffany] only wants to come to talk to us now 'cos she's hungry and wants some chicken."
Celebrity Big Brother continues with its second live eviction tonight (January 15) at 9pm on Channel 5.
Tagged in Celebrity Big Brother