Brian Belo sensationally left the Big Brother: Timebomb house this week by jumping over the walls following a huge argument with fellow housemates Helen Wood and Marc O'Neill.
Today (June 25) he spoke to media about his exit, Helen, her special treatment and if he'll be taking legal action against her for saying he looked like a 'rapist' and 'murderer'. Chatting about all that and more - read on to find out what he had to say.

How do you feel about the way you exited, do you regret going out of there?
No I don't regret leaving there. It got to the point where it was like a pressure cooker and I couldn't get away from the obvious two so I knew it was my time to leave, I didn't want the situation to escalate.
What do you think would have happened if you'd stayed?
I think if I stayed it would have really just been more of the same, I knew I was getting more and more upset. The Big Brother house isn't somewhere where you wanna be crying every day. For a 27 year old man to be so upset there, I just knew that's not me in my every day life.
Not only that, I knew that Marc was antagonising me and openly saying it, and following me around the house. He'd be on one side of the garden so I'd purposely go to another side of the garden. He would then move to that side of the garden and he said to me: 'I can't wait for you to leave on Friday.', and he decided to do a massive plunge in the pool just near me and splash me extremely, when I was fully clothed.
Then I went to the Sky Room and Helen followed me to the Sky Room, and then it was just like, 'you guys just won't leave me alone', then in the evening we obviously had the blow-up. My days there were just feeling so bad and I just had a horrible, sick feeling in my stomach and I couldn't have every day being so miserable basically.
Why do you think Marc and Helen were so obsessed with antagonising you?
I think obviously they would go on at first about other things they'd seen both me and Nikki on, because me and Nikki were known from Big Brother the older days, I think that's part of the reason why they wanted to get the old years of Big Brother out and just make it about them, really. That's the only thing I can only think of really. I think mainly more than anything as well is because I stood up to them, and because I stood up to them I was an easy target after that because I was the only one doing that until Danny had his blow-up.
Do you regret going back in the house?
I don't regret it because at the same time I met some great mates in there and I also met Jade in there so I don't regret it. I think if anything it's a great closure for me because now obviously, for me, I grew up loving Big Brother, I do still love Big Brother but for me it's the end of my Big Brother journey, in total. So no I don't. I've put that to rest now, in my life.

Do you think you'd have been forced to stay if you went to the Diary Room?
I think obviously there's a procedure that happens, there's a protocol and I knew I wanted to get out of there straight away. That's when I looked at the wall and I knew I could make it. I thought 'I don't wanna sit around and talk about this anymore, I've talked about this for too long', so that's why I had to go.
Helen said you were trying to leave the house for 'attention', do you find that ironic coming from her?
I think that was totally ironic. She talks about getting free clothes, getting free holidays... these are things I don't do. I have my normal every day life. I don't wanna sling mud but she makes a career out of selling stories on people, being a kiss and tell girl, and I've never sold a story on anyone in my entire life, and I'm not willing to in the future.
We saw Victor enter the house and Helen call him a 'coke head', he has since said on Twitter he'll be going after her legally, will you also be looking to deal with Helen legally following her comments?
Personally, no, I won't be because I've just been in a three year long court case and I'm not wanting to get into that situation again really. I think she's shown herself for what she is and I personally don't wanna be around such negative energy and carry this on.
Do you think Big Brother should have kicked her out of the house for what she said?
Personally yes I do. I think she should have gone.
What would you do or say if you saw Helen on the outside?
Just constant avoidance because I think she will want to carry this on, this is what she does for a living really. She causes controversial situations and then writes about them, tweets them and then makes stories about it. I don't want to ever speak to her again.
Aisleyne's gone in the house, would you have stayed in if you'd known?

I love Aisleyne, I think she's amazing but no. I wouldn't have stayed, for me, I had to go when I had to go. I love Aisleyne saying to Helen last night, 'basic rations for a basic bitch', you know what? Old school Big Brother legend is in there.
Are you worried about Aisleyne being around Helen seeing as though how she was with you?
I think Aisleyne can hold her own! (laughs) The problem with me, I try and hold my own and I'll have an argument and afterwards I'll get upset, whereas Aisleyne afterwards I don't think will get upset! (laughs) So, she's probably much better having around than I am.
Do you think you'd have stayed around longer if Jade was still in?
Yes, I do, actually, because Jade just took me away from it all. I think it's safe to say it would have been a different situation, yeah.
What is it like when you're being told you look like a 'murderer' and 'rapist' - what's going through your head?
My first thing that went through my head is how my friends and family are gonna feel, my mum more than anything for a comment like that. That's deep dude, that goes beyond a TV show so I thought, I don't want things like that out there. You don't know where you're gonna be in 10, 15 years time, what things like that can do, so I was just thinking, 'I hope no-one thinks there's anything real attached to that', so yeah I thought, 'how's my mum gonna feel when she hears that?'.
Have you spoken to your mum since you left?
Yes, I've spoke to my mum, first thing yesterday and obviously last night as well. She's been deeply upset by it, it's really hurt my family and I think that's one of the main things, I feel bad for putting my family in this situation where they can be upset by someone saying something like that about me on television.
Who do you think's playing a game inside the house?
Joel, without a shadow of a doubt Joel is playing a game inside that house. Obviously Marc but alongside Marc, Joel, Joel's his little henchman now.
I thought this before, after me and Jade spent a night in bed together, afterwards I went to the smoking area and Joel who'd never spoke to me, never had a one-on-one, followed me to the smoking area and then held a little Q&A, like it was Question Time. Then I was like, 'OK, that's interesting maybe he's a really interesting lad' then I realised 'oh no, it's only because the attention's gone on me and Jade and he wants some of it', and I saw more of that throughout the week.
We saw Nikki in last night's show saying she thought she'd let you down - has she?
No, Nikki hasn't let me down whatsoever. If anything, mine and Nikki's friendship only got stronger and I actually do completely adore Nikki and I was so happy she was in there and gave me support and we could support each other during that experience.
Do you feel guilty leaving her in there?
Do you know what, it was one of those situations with Nikki, where I had to go because it was getting so strenuous, and I knew that she can handle herself a little bit, I knew that the other guys were gonna have to look after her a little bit more, I knew Chloe, Cristian and Danny, and Nick as well would just look after her a bit more.
Why do you think Helen is so aggressive?
I think it's got something to dow ith her past. Obviously I can imagine the stories she tells, the world she mixes in, she obviously mixes with some unsavoury characters and we all know her past. Actually, I think she's very insecure and I think her defence mechanism is to immediately go on the attack. I gave her the benefit of the doubt when I met her in the bunker and I thought I would put aside all my first impressions of her. I thought 'oh she's actually got a human side', she was telling me how it all happened with Wayne Rooney and everything and then, I thought 'maybe she was just a girl who got a bit stuck, a bit lost and couldn't pay her rent' and that's why she became a high class prostitute, and then we bonded, but obviously we didn't, it was just pure manipulation to weaken my defences towards her.

Do you think Helen is given special treatment in the house?
Yeah, I do, I think because straight away they know they're gonna get something from Helen every single night. They know they're gonna get a row, they're gonna get a barney from her, so yeah I do.
Do you think that Helen really is a legend?
No, I don't. I don't think she's really a legend. I'm not being rude, me and Nikki are from the Channel 4 years and I think there had to be someone from the Channel 5 years and because she's in the most tabloids at this moment in time, that's why she got that position. Everyone knows she's not a Big Brother legend. Big Brother legends are people like Craig, Helen Adams, people like Nadia, do you know what I mean? She doesn't even fit in the bracket.
Has your Big Brother memory been tainted by this experience?
No it's not been tainted, I just think it's time for me to put Big Brother to rest in my life really. Obviously I'd done it eight years ago, and it's a whole different beast altogether now. It's time for me to go, 'that was very nice and good', but I've got to lead my life in a different direction.
Could you tell us about the differences you see in this show now after the last few years?
The main difference is face-to-face nominations, that's the main difference.
The fact the housemates know about the outside world and we're allowed to talk about the outside world is a major difference.
Helen should have got called to the Diary Room for calling me a "rapist" and "murderer" straight away. In my year, someone called someone another word and they got called to the Diary Room and someone else got kicked out straight away after making horrible comments. So that's a major difference.
Who surprised you the most in the house?
Chloe, because I didn't really have much of an opinion on Chloe and then when I met her I fortunately really loved the girl. The only thing is I think Helen's grooming her at the moment, that's why Helen's like, 'aw babe we need to go on holiday', come on now you don't wanna go on holiday with her, you just wanna get her on-side.

Marc was favourite when you went into the house, do you think he can still win?
Well Helen won last year, so it wouldn't surprise me. I personally just don't want another mean-spirited person to win Big Brother, but yeah I think he still could because it's just like, whoever gets the most attention seems to win.
How do you think Marc and Aisleyne will get on?
Not very well. Aisleyne and Marc will not get on very well to be fair. She won't like his attention seeking ways and she'll put him in his place.
Do you think Big Brother will keep Helen and Nikki in the house for longer now that Aisleyne's arrived?
They could do, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they do, get another week or two. They could keep them to the end, keep the Time Warp task paused until the finale, because then Marc gets immunity until the end.
Do you think we're gonna see major fireworks between Aisleyne and Helen, then?
Oh Aisleyne will beyond give as good as she gets, I think they'll be some fireworks there and I'm looking forward to it. Helen's bitten off more than she can chew with Aisleyne. Aisleyne's a proper Big Brother legend and not only that, Aisleyne speaks with conviction. She's got principles and morals, something Helen has not got whatsoever, so yeah.

Would you be surprised if it got physical between the two?
I wouldn't be surprised. It'd be like Fight Night Reloaded!
So you think Helen's anger and agression is born out of insecurity?
Yeah, completely. 100%. You only have to watch her. She can never say sorry, even when Danny last night in the show said to her, 'do you not think you went too far?', in the back of her head she was like, 'um, yeah', but she would never admit it, so she'd then come back with another comment on why she did it.
How do you think she was able to win her series?
Because she was a high class prostitute. Big Brother needs somebody to keep them in the tabloids, so it was one of them situations where she was getting the most attention and that's where it went really. There's not as many people voting now as there was in the beginning. Brian Dowling got something like four million people voting, I doubt she got four million votes to win. It's probably like four votes to win or something!
What do you think the future holds for you and Jade?
We get on, we really get on and I like the fact that Jade's completely different to any of my ex girlfriends, she's different to any girl I grew up with or being brought round.
She's talking about moving to London as well so I'm looking forward to showing her the haunts around North London and stuff, so hopefully the future is gonna be good really!

Will you be watching the rest of this series of Big Brother or are you done now?
I'm done now! (laughs) I'm done! That's it. But obviously I'll support my friends in the house. I just really want my mates to win.
You've always been such a big fan of the show, do you think you're gonna continue to be a fan in the future?
Well I've got Big Brother tattooed on my arm so I'll always be a massive fan of Big Brother. I love Big Brother Australia, I haven't watched Big Brother UK for two years because of this type of stuff really, I love the Australian Big Brother so I'll always be watching that one.
Was it easier than you thought it'd be to climb out of the house?
Yeah! It was! (laughs) I was in the smoking area after the argument, and I saw him in his little orange pants (Marc) and I thought, 'do I really wanna go back into that house and have another glass of wine? No I do not', so I thought, 'I went in on my terms and I'm gonna leave here on my terms'.
Was there a ladder on the other side or did you just jump?
No I just jumped! Do you know what, I thought I was auditioning to be Spider-Man! I've been watching too much superhero programmes!
What was on the other side, were there security waiting or did you just wander around...?
No, I was just running! (laughs) I was just running for my life and then there was an empty set, I was like 'oh my God'. I literally thought I was in The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen, I thought I was her as well!
Big Brother: Timebomb continues daily on Channel 5.
Tagged in Big Brother