Lizzie Velasquez

Lizzie Velasquez

'Body Bizarre' is the new six-part series coming to TLC.

The series follows a number of cases of those with extraordinary conditions we don't see in everyday life.

Lizzie Velasquez features in the first episode - weighing just four stone with nearly zero per cent body fat due to a genetic condition which means she cannot put on weight.

Lizzie's parents were told she may not survive when she was born, but she has now finished university with a degree in communications and is starting a career as a motivational speaker.

The condition - Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome causes premature ageing, a wrinkled appearance and decreased fat under the skin.

Despite eating every 20 minutes or so and consuming thousands of calories day-in, day-out, Lizzie never tips the scales above 4.3 stone.

Scientists now believe they could be closing in on the gene that causes her condition, which could one day lead to treatments and a cure.

Watch the clip below to hear a small part of Lizzie's story.

'Body Bizarre' begins on TLC Monday November 11 at 10pm, and continues each Monday thereafter.

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