As Big Brother Canada continues with its landmark tenth season, we continue to speak to the unlucky Houseguests who have been evicted. This week, we chat with former Head of Household and now, fourth evictee, Kyle Moore, all about his time on the TV show.
Great to be speaking with you Kyle, but sorry to see you go!
It is tough. I wish we were talking about finale night but, this is the way of the game, anything can happen, things change so fast and you get so caught up in the House. As much as I wish I was still there and part of me is hoping I get a knock at the door with a secret power that sends me back, I’m just really happy to have been a part of it, it was really cool.
Take us back to when you first went into the House and saw all of the doors and the theme; what were your initial thoughts and expectations?
I mean, expectations, I had lofty expectations for myself, I made that very clear going into the House. But in terms of what to expect from the game itself? I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I saw all of the doors with this mystery going around, trying to open every door, nothing was working; it was very tough. I just couldn’t fathom how much was going on. There’s the pantry with the Shopper’s Showcase; there’s the wheel and all the doors and all the lights and it’s so bright. It was very overwhelming, there was this beautiful spread of food, beautiful people, but it was very overwhelming in all the best ways.
We've seen some of those doors open but a lot of them have stayed shut! Do you have any guesses as to what might be behind those doors we haven’t seen open up yet?
Yes! Well, I have been informed that there was a little bit of peeking behind those doors [in the latest HOH comp], so I’m excited to see that. The one door that gives me fits is that red door in the corner with the numbers counting down on it. I still don’t know what it is, it has absolutely been driving me wild the entire time that I was in the House so, I’m very curious to see what’s behind that big red door.
You went into the House after being pretty much adopted by the Big Brother Canada fandom following a mixup last season! So was there an added pressure on you to perform when you went from that, to being an actual Houseguest?
Very much so, and it was one that I very much put on myself as well. It was just the idea that… it warped a little bit of my sense of expectation in the House because of the fact that this has been on my radar for a year. This is one of those things that in January, February last year, I was thrown into this world and my entire life for a year, this has been in the forefront of my mind. ‘Am I gonna be on the show? Okay, now I am on the show, I’m going through the process’, all that kind of stuff.
It was very much a heightened level of expectation and, I did feel a little bit disappointed for the fans in terms of when I did leave and how everything kind of happened because I know there were a lot of people who were very much - they had a personal stake in my game because they had known me for so much longer before going into the House, so it definitely added to the dynamics for sure.
Fun fact! Second season in a row that a Kyle Moore has gone home fourth, and third season in a row that a Kyle has gone home fourth!
Yes! The curse of the Kyle, yeah!
What do you expect for future Kyles in Big Brother Canada?
Well, I certainly do think that this is gonna be a bit of a trope going forward where, every few seasons we’ll see a Kyle in there, just because! Somebody has to eventually break the cycle and absolutely take it all the way for all of the Kyles who came before them. It’s pretty funny for sure.
With the vote being unanimous to send you home, did that shock you at all? Did you expect to get anybody’s?
No, I thought that maybe somebody… You know, sometimes in the House you pop into the Diary Room, you make a snap call and you think, ‘you know what? I am gonna toss a vote for this person’, either as a tip of the cap or trying to stir something up. I thought that maybe it would be a 9-1 but, I wasn’t shocked that it was unanimous by any means. That was very much a House consensus, that it was my time to go.
You said you “kinda deserved it” when speaking to Josh after your nomination, why do you think you deserved to go up?
Well, I just think that how I approached my Week 3 HOH, it just went against everything that I wanted to do when I found myself in a position of power. I had limited perspectives on the people that I talked to. Instead of having a conversation with everybody in the House and asking them very structured, general questions so that I could get a grasp of where everybody saw the House, the paranoia bug got me and I really locked in on only a few key voices and then, I made decisions that were rash and I put Josh up who had nothing - I think that if Josh had won this HOH I don’t think I would’ve been put on the block, I think he would’ve had my best interests in mind and I think the fact that I did it, through the Backdoor, a player of that calibre and a person of that calibre who deserves the chance to fight for their life in that game; I think there was a little element of karma for sure.
You decided to stir a little paranoia with your eviction, with your ‘two truths and a lie’ - why did you do that?
I don’t know whether that’s one of those things that Big Brother will clear up for the Houseguests, or if that’s something that they’ll let play, I don’t know the rules surrounding that, but I talked with Gino.
It was funny, Gino and I were in the HOH room the night before I left and I said, ‘hey wouldn’t it be funny’ - because I had been talking about how Jury was this big thing for me, because this was the big benchmark I wanted to hit and, coming into the House everybody knew that I was Kyle Moore, that I was a ‘fan-picked’ kinda player - so I said to Gino, ‘wouldn’t it be funny, because I had been talking about Jury so much and because people knew that I was kind of a fan-favourite coming in, if I said I got voted for a secret power that I couldn’t use until Jury and I said it was out back in the House’.
I told Gino, ‘it gives you a little bit of chaos to work in-between… so that he’s able to restructure his game a little bit more. My game doesn't stop until I walk out of those doors so, that was my last game.
Hindsight is of course 20/20, but do you have any major regrets or things you’d change looking back at your game?
Yeah, one of the things is, when you play this game you have to own your game. I think that I made decisions that I at the time I felt were best for my game and the people around me that I trusted. I certainly would have broadened the amount of voices I listened to like I said, but that Backdooring of Josh… in hindsight you look back and you’re like, ‘ah, that was something that could’ve been done much, much later’.
I think that the fact that a swing that big… I definitely think I could’ve taken a big swing with that Backdoor but, Josh was such a substantial swing that it was either, hit a Grand Slam or go home and, now we’re doing this interview so I bet you can guess which one happened! So, I definitely wish that I had have still used the Backdoor but put up somebody a little less beloved in the House, a little bit of a smaller name.
In the alternate universe where you did stay in the House last night and won the next HOH, who did you go after?
Marty, Marty! My boy. My East Coast brother. I would’ve absolutely came for him just because of the fact that he did play such an integral role in Josh finding his way onto the block and then flipped, said that he didn't trust me and that he was now gonna work with the other side because he was a ‘man of his word’ and ‘didn’t wanna keep going back and forth’.
I just think that the idea of having something this messy happen and then, for me to get all of the blood on my hands and Marty to try and wipe his hands of it, I definitely would’ve been targeting Marty - and Kevin! Kev’s dangerous in this game. He is somebody who is a huge question mark, he’s a human smokescreen, I call him. Just when you think you have Kev figured out he pulls some character and completely throws you off and I think that he would’ve found himself up next to Marty, for sure.
We’re three-and-a-half weeks into the game now, so has anybody shown you they have what it takes to win this game?
There are four names that really stick out to me - well, I guess I could say five but that’s a lot of people so I’ll dwindle it down to four, at least that gives me some room to wiggle here. I think the people that have played the best game and have the best chance to win [are] Josh, Jess, Gino or Summer. Jayce too is the fifth name who I think is an absolute underdog and could win this game. She’s got a spark. She always says ‘zhuzh’, that’s her word, ‘you add a little ‘zhuzh’ to it’, Jayce has that ‘zhuzh’, there’s something about her, she has that fire inside of her.
Finally, who are you hoping to keep in touch with when all is said and done?
The second that Gino leaves that House I’m gonna be giving him a ring and touching base with him. He’s genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, we did bond on such a great level and I can’t wait to be friends with the guy outside.
Jess as well. Jess and I share love for the arts and the mental health space and they are someone who is very much my kind of people. They’re just fantastic.
Then also Marty. As much as I would’ve - Marty kinda screwed me over a little bit and I would’ve come for his game - he’s still a fantastic father, a great husband, a great man and I think, being from New Brunswick, I just know how well he represents the province.
Viewers can catch new episodes of Big Brother Canada three nights a week on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. ET/PT, Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, and Mondays at 7 p.m. ET/PT. For the most up-to-date information on broadcast date and times, please visit the Global website at www.globaltv.com/schedule.
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Tagged in Big Brother