Falling victim to the curse that seems to plague Big Brother Canada, where as Head of Household you're sent packing immediately the week after your reign of power, Maddy Pavle was sent to the Jury House in a unanimous 5-0 vote whilst up against Aussie Tim Dormer on the block.

Credit: Global

Credit: Global

We got to chat with Maddy all about why she doesn't think she placed a foot wrong in the game, how she'll be choosing her winner of the season and more.

Now that you've had a little time to reflect on your time in the house, where do you think your game went wrong?

I don't think that my game went wrong at any time in the house, I just did what I needed to do and, I played the game and because that got me out of the house? So what?

This week has been an incredibly emotional one for you - how do you think you'll cope now that you're in the Jury?

Er... Being in the Jury will probably help me because I can decompress from the game and, just think about Ramsey on my own instead of being forced to be everyone's best friend while I'm sitting on the block and fighting for my life. So, I think it'll be nice.

Ramsey was your greatest ally in the house, how much did his departure impact you?

Him leaving impacted me way more than I thought. I was so emotional, emotionally drained, unmotivated, just like wanting to give up and not compete in this game anymore... He was definitely my rock through the whole game, so it was pretty hard to have him leave.

There have been some big twists this year - what did you make of the brothers twist?

The brothers? I thought that twist was interesting because it didn't really effect the game as much as I thought. We kind of just figured it out and dealt with it. They had a target on their backs for the first couple of weeks but then it faded and, I don't know, it didn't effect me personally too much.

International houseguests also joined in Tim and Nikki - could either of them win the game?

I think that either of them have a chance at winning the game, maybe Tim moreso than Nikki, just because they are likeable and, it's unfortunate that neither of them have really played the game. They're just there to make fun of people and be funny and stir up the pot, but yes, I think they do have a pretty good chance at winning.

Credit: Global
Credit: Global

How differently do you think things would have played out if it were Loveita that had rejoined the game instead of Kelsey?

Having Loveita back in the house would have been the smartest decision that we all could have made and the game would have been way different in terms of less drama, even though she was a very dramatic person and loved the drama, she would have had different targets, different people would have gone home earlier than later and, she wouldn't have gone after me I believe so, I could have had a fighting chance to at least be in the final five.

Would it have been impossible to convince everyone to make that decision at the time, do you think?

Yes it would have been absolutely impossible. Too many people thought Kelsey was just like, the nicest human being on the planet, that she could cook and we would all keep our sanity by voting her back in, but it turned out to be the complete opposite.

Who do you hope is evicted next and why?

I hope that the brothers are evicted next because it would just be bittersweet to see them fail after they allegedly tried to get out the strongest player in the game.

At this point, who do you think has the best chance of making final three?

I think it'll be between Jared, Cassandra and Joel maybe. Or with Tim in there in place of someone, but those four definitely have the best chance.

Now in Jury House, what will you be looking for when choosing your winner of Big Brother Canada?

I honestly just need to see who the final two are and I'll have to make my decision just purely based on who those two people are. I don't know at this point.

Do you think it'll be a personal decision or a decision based on how they played the game?

It really depends on who's up there, because I didn't have good relationships gamewise and personally with some people in the house, so that definitely will affect my vote. If it's two gameplayers I will definitely look at their game AND the personal aspect, and see who deserves to win.

Finally, who will you be hoping to keep in touch with once everything's over?

I hope that me, Dallas and Ramsey can be just like, the absolute trio and just be like The Three Muskateers again. Yeah, I hope I stay in contact with them the most.

Big Brother Canada continues Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Global.

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