Yet another veteran was sent home this weekend on Big Brother Canada, when Sindy Nguyen became the second member of the Jury House for the second time. We caught up with Sindy ahead of her going into the Jury House to find out about her experiences this season, and she tells us why she doesn’t think anybody in the house should make it to final three this year…

Sindy became the second member of Jury
Now that you’ve had a little time to reflect on your time in the house, how do you feel about the whole experience?
I think the whole experience is amazing; I had a wonderful time. I think I had more fun in one than I did in my entire season the first time around. I’ll do it again. Ring me when you do All Stars! (laughs)
Why do you think you became the target this week after Demetres won the Power of Veto?
It was tough; I knew that Dillon was stuck between myself and Ika. This time around I had allies in that, I didn’t realise that with Bruno and Kevin campaigning so hard to put up Ika, that was the reason it was me instead. Dillon is a different person, he’s very loyal and he already felt betrayed by Kevin and Bruno. So, for him, he thought that he was being played and he was just doing the opposite of what people were approaching him with. I don’t think I became a target until the last two days based on who I was campaigning to, which caused a divide in the house, which caused them to think, ‘Maybe we shouldn’t keep Sindy because it looks like she’ll go back to Kevin and Bruno.’
If the nominations had remained the same, who do you think would have gone home and why?
That’s a very tough question to be honest with you, because I know that Kevin and Bruno really wanna push for Demetres to leave. For myself I don’t know if I’d have taken that risk right away. It would have been a very careful thought, because I would have been one of those votes to do that. I don’t know. I worked better with Ika and Demetres; I don’t know if I would evict him right away but I would know that it’s an opportunity to break up a pair, so that’s a very tough question, I really don’t know.
You made one of the biggest moves this season sending Neda home and you seemed very emotional. What was it like going through that whole, live, double eviction experience?
Ugh! Like you said it was very emotional; I don’t think anyone can understand the kind of pressure that’s being put on. To think as fast as you can of these consequences and the outcome of every possible choice you can make. I was shaking a lot and even at this point thinking back, that was so much pressure on me, I’m glad that I did what I did, but it was very, very, very, very tough.
So there’s no regrets in sending Neda to Jury?
Absolutely not. I try to live by a ‘no regrets’ kinda rule, except I wish that I’d kind of changed the way I’d campaigned. Everyone wanted to get rid of Neda at that point, her immunity was up, I wanted to strike, I saw an opportunity and took it. I just needed to know if other people would have supported that decision, so to have Ika push for Neda and to have Kevin and Bruno not object to that idea, that was the push that I needed to confirm the move.
Who would you like to see evicted next and why?
I would like to see Dre evicted next. She is kinda the swing vote that could have kept me here with both sides that I campaigned to. When I campaigned to her and William to vote with Kevin and Bruno, she was the one vote that was not too sure, she didn’t see the game the way that we saw it and she didn’t want to. Then when I campaigned to Ika and Demetres who wanted to keep me, she was also the swing vote to that side to keeping me, and she wouldn’t do it as well, and Ika and Demetres wouldn’t want to vote with Kevin and Bruno, with it affecting their side. So, I would like to see Dre evicted next and say, ‘I told you so!’
Despite being evicted you’re the second member of the Jury; how does that feel?
It feels exactly how it felt the first time around when I was the second number in Jury! I’m excited to experience Jury differently this time because of the relationships that I’d built in the beginning of the season. I’m not too happy to be in Jury; obviously I wanted to win, if not win I wanted to be halfway into the Jury, not this early. But you know, obviously what you do, there’s always gonna be a lot of ‘What If?’ scenarios that you and myself will go through in our heads the next couple of weeks.
How do you feel going into the Jury House alongside Neda?
I’m not too sure to be honest! I know that she’s a very logical and strategic person, that she’ll understand and forgive me, but I also think that she doesn’t think that it was my doing. I think she thinks it was Ika’s influence. It’s different because the last time around it was with JP; I was able to kiss and make up. This time around I don’t think I can do the same thing with her!
At this point in the game, who do you think has the best shot at making it to final three?
I honestly cannot answer that question, only in the sense that I feel that everyone is playing on the same level. Obviously they have their best and worst moments, but I don’t think any three of them have stood out to me that I think should make final three.
So then, who would you WANT to make it to final three?
I don’t want any of them to make it to final three. Maybe I can give you a better answer after the next Juror comes in, but at this point there isn’t anyone that I would want to be there, and I don’t think anyone that SHOULD be there. Maybe I’m just bitter.
If you could go back into the house this season and got another shot, how differently would you play?
If I got back in for the fourth time?! I don’t know to be honest! I think me going back in I would be a target right away because I did have a lot of allies in that house, but unfortunately the two allies associated with me were my demise. So maybe I wouldn’t go to the side of Kevin and Bruno. It’s different; when I went back in the house first time around, there were still 11 of us and it was pre-Jury. If I were to go back in [this time], there would be a lot less people and that would be very tough to manoeuvre around that.
Those dance moves in the HoH room were really something; should we expect more dancing in the Jury House?
(laughs) Yes, 100%! I don’t know if the cameras are gonna be there to watch it, but I’ll definitely be dancing a lot.
Finally, what are some of your biggest highlights from your time in the house?
I think is definitely bonding with all the houseguests; the trio birthday celebration; my actual birthday… I had a lot of laughs; I didn’t cry as much as I did the first time around, so I’m definitely gonna have a lot of memories to take home with me.
Big Brother Canada continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Global.
Tagged in Big Brother