Big Brother Canada continues to roll towards its huge finale and this week, a triple eviction took place which saw Jackie, William and Dre all sent out of the house and into the Jury. We got the time to chat to Jackie following her eviction (who still has no idea there were two more evictees following her out of the house!) to discuss her game, frosty relationship with Ika and more…

Jackie was evicted from Big Brother Canada
How do you feel about your whole Big Brother Canada experience?
There are definitely a lot of highs and a lotta lotta lows. Overall it was a unique experience; it’s something that I’m never gonna be able to have the opportunity to do again. I definitely enjoyed not knowing what to expect, it was stressful at times, but at the end of the day I am very happy that I was chosen to be a part of this Big Brother family.
Where do you think your game went wrong this season?
At the very beginning I felt like I was too naïve. I definitely expected the best out of people and got the worst. I thought people were telling me the truth – I couldn’t tell the truth from the lies – and that’s what ended up screwing me over at the beginning.
If Ika and Demetres had stayed on the block, who do you think would have gone home and why?
Personally I would have liked to see Ika go home, just so that I could actually see people playing for themselves and not under her manipulation. However, at this point with all of Demetres’ wins, it would probably be smarter to get him out so that Ika wouldn’t be in power anymore.
Viewers saw a frosty and volatile relationship between Ika and yourself; where did that really start and why did you two butt heads so much?
Earlier in the game Ika did tell me she has always had a problem with seeing the niceness and the genuine personality in people; she doesn’t believe that they’re being true. So, when she saw that I was that type of person, automatically she believed that I wasn’t being true, I wasn’t being ‘real’ as she would say, when in reality I was.
I didn’t do anything personally to Ika whatsoever. It all started at the slop vote. I definitely got some vibes from her beforehand that she just didn’t like me, and from then on she continued to throw petty comments at me, bully me, and it wasn’t fun. I definitely tried dealing with it as best as I could and at the end of the day, I feel like I was the bigger person and that’s all that matters to me.
Do you respect her as a player of the game or is there truly no love lost there?
Ika is an amazing Big Brother player. She is great with convincing people with her intimidation skills and her manipulation skills. I do see her as a good player but she’s not a player that I can personally respect, only because I was on the other end of her vicious cycles.
Do you have any regrets about your time in the house?
I definitely regret believing what people said all the time. If I had have gone to the source or gather more information, I definitely would have been playing this game a lot differently. Instead I kinda just went into it optimistic, thinking everyone’s a great person, when in reality not everybody is a great person.
Despite being evicted you’re now a member of the Jury, so how does that feel?
It feels good. I’m very happy that I got to this point in the game. I’m proud of the way I got here and I’m proud of how I played. I’m excited to be able to see everyone in the house because they’re people I definitely enjoy to be around. I’m excited that I have a vote on who the winner is and, at the end of the day we’ll see what happens with the rest of the Houseguests.
What will you be looking for in your winner of Big Brother Canada?
I’ll be looking for someone who probably at least won at least one competition, I think that that’s important in a winner. Someone who played the game competitively but was willing to be open-minded; I think that’s a huge thing for a winner. Someone who was able to build relationships, break relationships and rebuild relationships at the end of the day.
Is there anybody that you think could take it all the way at this point?
I would really love to see Dre take it to the end. Unfortunately, the way that the house seemed before I left was that they were targeting her, and I know she felt very alone in this game. If she ends up being in the final two, I would be so proud; she’s definitely the one person I’m rooting for in that house.
Is there anybody that you think could take it all the way at this point?
I would really love to see Dre take it to the end. Unfortunately, the way that the house seemed before I left was that they were targeting her, and I know she felt very alone in this game. If she ends up being in the final two, I would be so proud; she’s definitely the one person I’m rooting for in that house.
Is there anybody you would never consider voting for to win?
I would consider voting everyone to win. It all depends on their answers, who the person is and the overall gameplay that person played. Definitely look at everything that they’ve done and the way that they left people in the Jury House, I think that’s a very important thing. If you’re leaving on a bad note, that’s not the best for your game.
If you could send a fellow Juror back into the house, who would you send and why?
I would love to send Bruno back in. I feel extremely terrible for the poor guy. He was on slop for three weeks, he had not a lot of energy, he definitely didn’t want to talk to a lot of people because of his low amount of energy, he only got to play in two Vetoes, and he didn’t get to win any comps. I feel like he had a lot more to offer.
Finally, what are some of the highlights from your time in the house?
My best moment was definitely Day 42, the party, I got to see a video of my sisters which brought up my confidence in the game. We got fireworks and we all came together as a family at the end of the day. I also really enjoyed wearing the costumes and doing the competitions.
Big Brother Canada continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Global.
Tagged in Big Brother