Big Brother Sophie

Big Brother Sophie

Tom told Sophie to keep away from Kris.

Before walking out of the house last night after just seven days, the muscle-bound hunk tried to warn the Sophie off the curly-haired former contestant and told her she should steer clear of him.

She’s not forthcoming. I don’t think she fancies me at al

He told her: "I think you’d be better off on your own."

The confused glamour model asked him what he meant, suspecting he knew something she didn’t about the lothario.

He said: "When you asked me the other night, I said draw your own conclusions. You know, really, you’re not stupid.

"You never know in here what people’s little plans are - what they’re trying to get out of a siuation."

Earlier on in the evening, the blonde beauty had offered Tom some love advice of his own.

Speaking about the chemistry between the posh hunk and Irish beauty Noirin, Sophie said: "I can see it, the attraction between the two of you. I’m good at these things."

But Tom seemed unsure about Noirin’s feelings for him.

He sighed: "She’s not forthcoming. I don’t think she fancies me at all."

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