Many children and parents went on their long anticipated trips this half term. The very last thing parents embarking on a peaceful break want is stress at the airport. However, despite 73% of people feeling a holiday starts at the airport, 2.7 million UK holiday goers report they have experienced 'airport rage.'
The research showed that travellers not being ready when they get to the front of the airport security niggled nearly half of those surveyed. Whilst 43% are riled by people who skip or cut the queue at the boarding gate.
But there are bigger issues causing airport anxiety. This year Holiday Travel Watch has received an influx of complaints from parents who have booked a holiday, only to find that because they have not paid for allocated seating, they are separated from their child or children by up to 19 rows on an aircraft.
Toura Robinson was separated from two of her three children on her return flight from Turkey. She was informed by Thomson that aviation law meant she did not have to pay to ensure her and her children were sat together.
Toura says "I had tried to resolve the issue of our being separated on our return flight a week before our departure. For two weeks the problem was passed on. I was only able to sit with my four year old on our return flight because a gentlemen agreed to move for us. My nine year old is a poorly child, he suffers from asthma and has hearing difficulties. If anything happened on the flight I couldn't see him, he and his brother were 19 rows ahead of me. I don't know who they were sitting next to they put my children's safety in jeopardy."
Complaints received from parents suggest that they believe there is a lack of transparency during the booking process which causes hard-pressed parents or guardians to make financial choices at the beginning of the booking process. Those same parents or guardians may be forced to pay extra charges further down the line to avoid separation.
Frank Brehany, the Consumer Director for Holiday Travel Watch says "This year has seen a massive surge in complaints from parents and guardians about child seating. It is clear that airlines are ignoring CAA Guidelines on this important issue and I call upon the CAA to robustly defend families against what appears to be a wholesale dismissal of the guidelines by Airlines. It is time for the CAA to demonstrate that it is an active enforcer for consumers!"
Jetting off should be the beginning of a relaxing holiday however it is apparent unforeseen strains are put on the patience and purses of holiday goers. The very reasons Brits look to travel in the first place. Any holidaymakers needing advice or legal guidance can visit

UK parents are facing 'airport rage'