Save money when you jet away

Save money when you jet away

 Book hotels last minute

There are many discount websites that offer cheap hotel prices if you book late. Websites such as and are just a few of the amazing discount websites that can reduce costs on your holiday. They are worth a look if you don’t mind booking your holiday late!

Compare prices

Don’t just book the first good holiday you see but do some research first! You might be able to find the same holiday for a relevantly cheaper price, saving you money.

Get the best insurance deals

Don’t just renew your travel insurance but hunt around instead! Have a look on websites such as which overs a comparison tool that makes it easy to find the best deal for you.

Travel early

Flights that leave in the early hours of the morning are much cheaper than those that travel in the day or evening. So you might have to get up early and be tired but your bank balance will thank you for it.

Take a coach

If you are travelling to a place where a coach is an option, take the coach and save money. Travelling to London from certain places in the North West can cost just £5 whilst the train will cost around £60. There are many coach companies that offer cheap deals and although it takes longer to arrive at your destination, it is much cheaper than the faster options.

Leave the phone at home

If you’re going abroad, look at the credit rating for your mobile before you make lots of phone calls and texts. It might be wise to leave your phone at hope so you are not tempted to use it and accidentally run up a huge phone bill for when you get home.

Chose destination carefully

Choose a destination where it is cheap for tourists to visit. If you are opting for a self-catered hotel, you want to ensure that buying food and drinks for the duration of the holiday won’t be expensive and leave a black hole in your purse.

Collect newspaper coupons

Many newspapers have coupons that you can collect to help you save money on your holiday. Remember to look out for them and go on holiday for cheaper!

By Claire Lancaster

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