Find love in Europe
An investigation into finding love in Europe reveals the Italian Stallion is a thing of the past. Instead women should be looking out for a ‘Cheeky German’ or a ‘British Bulldog’ for the perfect date. Over 2000 people across the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy and France were surveyed to find out how we all compare when it comes to Love.
It seems Italian men are no longer the bold Stallions we once knew with the majority now relying on guess work when it come to forging a relationship. Just under half of the all Italian men polled said they’re actually too shy to tell a girl how they feel and just hope they would guess. British men on the other hand have no hang ups on bulldozing straight in and telling the female of the species exactly how they feel whereas three in five German men said they would try and make eye contact and offer a cheeky wink to win over the ladies.
However European men choose to secure their date it seems love will transcend any language barrier with 67% of all respondents saying that not speaking the language wouldn’t put them off starting a relationship with someone. One in four German men even admitted to learning chat up phrases in other languages to help their cause.
All nations seem to get back to their roots when it comes to the first date with over half of all British men treating their dates to a pint in the pub. The French and Spanish show their love of food with half of both nations opting for a restaurant as their perfect setting. Once the Italian men are brave enough to ask a girl on a date they start to show their romantic side by taking them on a picturesque walk.
They were also the most gentlemanly with 90% saying they’d pay the bill. Brits came a close second with just over half of men saying it was their duty to cover the bill on the first date. French men believe in equal rights and said men and women should pay 50/50. The Spanish disagreed with the majority thinking it’s only fair that the inviting party pay up!
Once the first date is over European men join forces in agreement when they say they would expect more than just a goodnight kiss but there may be some disappointed faces this Valentines, as the majority of women across Europe are in agreement too - they will just say no.
Top 5 Nations in Bed
Top 5 Romantic Nations
Research carried out on behalf of Contiki Holidays
Tagged in Travel