Twitter removed 130 accounts for disrupting public conversation amid the first US Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Trump-Biden debate

Trump-Biden debate

The micro-blogging site cracked down on the profiles, which they claimed "appeared to originate from Iran", after being alerted by the FBI.

A post on the official Twitter Safety profile reads: "Based on intel provided by the @FBI, last night we removed approximately 130 accounts that appeared to originate in Iran. They were attempting to disrupt the public conversation during the first 2020 US Presidential Debate."

Twitter recently added extra security measures to keep "high-profile accounts "safe and secure" during the upcoming Election Day (03.11.20).

The app announced they are turning on password reset protection and advised those users to also activate two-factor authentication.

In a blog, they stated: "Voters, political candidates, elected officials and journalists rely on Twitter every day to share and find reliable news and information about the election, and we take our responsibility to them seriously.

"As we learn from the experience of past security incidents and implement changes, we're also focused on keeping high-profile accounts on Twitter safe and secure during the 2020 US election."