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Sexual Health Education News
20 November 2013
Sex education - knowledge to be forgotten?
New research shows that 40% of people don't remember their sex education
22 September 2012
Which contraception suits your relationship status best?
To celebrate Sexual Health Week we spoke to Dr Caroline Cooper about which contraception’s are best for you...
19 September 2012
Contraception special: Female sterilisation
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
12 September 2012
Contraception special: Vaginal ring
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
7 September 2012
STI special: Trichomoniasis
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
6 September 2012
Contraception special: Intrauterine system (IUS)
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
4 September 2012
Risks of the pill
The Pill is one of the most popular forms of contraception, with 100 million women taking it worldwide, but are...
29 August 2012
STI special: HIV and AIDS
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
29 August 2012
Contraception special: Intrauterine Device (IUD)
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
22 August 2012
STI special: Syphilis
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
22 August 2012
Contraception special: Diaphragms and caps
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
17 August 2012
STI special: Genital warts
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
15 August 2012
Contraception special: Contraceptive patch
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
12 August 2012
Responsible Loving: Look After Yourself and Others
We all like to have fun when it comes to sex but keeping your sexual health in tip top condition should be...
10 August 2012
STI special: Gonorrhoea
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
9 August 2012
Contraception special: Contraceptive injection
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
2 August 2012
STI special: Genital Herpes
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
1 August 2012
Contraception special: Contraceptive implant
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...
23 July 2012
Interview: Dr Caroline Cooper
Following on from our What’s The Best Contraception? article, we’ve spoken to Dr Caroline Cooper, Women’s...
15 June 2012
Large number of single women having unprotected sex
It comes as no surprise that sexually transmitted infections are on the rise, with the research that seven out...
31 May 2012
Permanent contraception: Do you know your options?
It's something we all have to think about once we start having sex, and sometimes beforehand if we suffer from...
27 April 2012
Sexual health at risk on holiday?
Two thirds of all adults will have unprotected sex in their lives. Booze filled holidays can result in...
24 April 2012
Myths surrounding sexual health
There are plenty of myths and misconceptions surrounding contraception and sexual health, so we've enlisted the...
16 February 2012
Significant rise in number of teenage girls seeking contraception
New figures have shown that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of girls uner 15 who have...