Sweden's Princess Madeleine and her husband Christopher O'Neill have named their son Nicolas Paul Gustaf.

Prince Nicolas

Prince Nicolas

The couple - who already have 15-month-old daughter Princess Leonore - welcomed their second child into the world on Monday (15.06.15) afternoon and the princess' father, King Carl Gustaf announced his name at a cabinet meeting yesterday (17.06.15).

The monarch also revealed the new prince has been given the title Duke of Ångermanland, a province in northern Sweden.

The little boy's middle name, Paul, is in honour of his late grandfather, who died in 2004.

Nicolas weighed 3,080g and measured 49cm at birth and press officer Margareta Thorgren said the little boy has "his father's chin".

The prince's older sister met her brother on Tuesday (16.06.15), and their father told reporters the introduction went well.

He added: "Leonore thought he was a doll."

The new arrival will be raised in Chris' native UK as the family are preparing to move to London by the end of 2015.

The couple moved to Stockholm last year from New York, where they first met.

Madeleine - who spent four years living in America and has resided in the UK before - has previously spoken of how much she adores being married to Chris.

She has said: "The sweetest feeling now that we are married is that we really are a team. It really brings a special bond."

The new baby was born just two days after the Swedish royals welcomed another family member, following Prince Carl Philip's wedding to Sofia Hellqvist.

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