Queen Elizabeth is a big fan of the Beach Boys.

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth

The 91-year-old monarch bought an iPod back in 2005 and was gifted a second one by then President Barack Obama back in 2009 and now royal expert Ingrid Seward has revealed what could be on the most played list on the music device.

Ingrid, author of the upcoming book, 'My Husband & I', which details Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip's marriage, told Vogue magazine: "The Queen is a big fan of musicals, traditional hymns, and Scottish ballads, and even the Beach Boys's songs, especially 'California Girls'.

"She also likes Elton John and all kinds of military music. She plays the piano herself and has a pitch-perfect singing voice. Whether or not she has much time to listen to music on her iPod I am not sure, but I rather doubt it. If she doesn't understand anything or it goes wrong, there are plenty of young footmen around who are pretty savvy with technology."

It comes after the Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Anson revealed some of her favourite music.

She said: "The Queen loves the theatre and musicals like Showboat, Oklahoma! and Annie Get Your Gun. These were the tunes that remained in one's head and were very danceable to. The Queen is a fantastic dancer. She's got great rhythm ...

"We did a lot of singing at Kensington Palace. Nobody thought it was odd after dinner if we put on a record and all sang Doing the Lambeth Walk, so music has always been part of her life."