Britain's Queen Elizabeth "purred" with relief after she found out Scotland had voted against independence.
The Prime Minister, David Cameron, will be forced to apologise following a breach of protocol after he was caught on camera talking about a private conversation he had with the 88-year-old monarch following the referendum result last Friday (19.09.14).
David met with Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, in the US for a meeting when he was overheard saying the Scottish referendum result - 55 per cent voted no and 45 per cent voted yes to independence - "should never have been that close."
During the conversation, which was accidentally picked up by Sky News, he added: "The definition of relief is being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ringing the Queen and saying, 'It's all right, it's OK'. That was something. She purred down the line."
The BBC believes he then said: "I've never heard someone tear up like that. It was great."
However, Channel 4 insists he said, "cheer up."
It is thought the leader of the Conservative Party feels deeply embarrassed that his conversation has been made so public, but insiders for the Labour Party have accused the Prime Minister of being "disrespectful" towards the Queen for sharing the private details.
A source told the Telegraph newspaper: "It is disrespectful to let the cat out of the bag."
Tagged in Queen Elizabeth David Cameron