Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip celebrated a church's 60th anniversary yesterday (03.12.15).

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip

The royal couple visited St Columba's Church in London to mark the milestone and the 89-year-old monarch was gifted a bouquet of flowers on her arrival.

She carried the flowers through the church and spoke to members of the congregation and also locals.

The 60th anniversary of the church comes after it was rebuilt after being destroyed by bombing in 1941 during the Second World War.

The original St Columba's Church structure was built in 1884.

After the wartime devastation the building was rebuilt on the same site with more of a modern design.

The queen has an affinity with the Church and it was recently revealed she never carries money with her apart from when she donates £5 to a church collection every Sunday.

A source said: "She donates to the church collection basket. Her butler irons a 5-pound note into a little square by folding it until you can only see her face!"

What's more, the queen and the royal family attend a Christmas Day church service at Sandringham every year.