Princess Diana was described as a "rock of stability" by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana

Over 500 pages of heavily redacted documents, including calls between Tony and ex American President Bill Clinton, were released in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Several calls between Tony and Bill made on September 1, 1997 saw the two politicians discuss the passing of Princess Diana, who tragically died in a car crash in Paris, France, on August 31, 1997.

One of the most moving conversations saw Tony tell Bill he would "personally miss" Diana, adding: "It's like a star falling. She was a star for them [her children]."

After Bill offered his condolences, Tony replied: "We saw her again just weeks ago when we hosted her lunch with Prince William, he's a great kid."

When Bill said he "worries a lot about those kids now", Tony replied: "She was such a rock of stability in the sense she connected them with the outside world.

"The eldest boy, William, is quite like her in a way, he is very 'feet on the ground', he does things kids his age do."

Bill replied: "I just feel so bad for her. She was just basically getting a hold of her life."

To which Tony responded: "The problem was the way she lived, in a press frenzy. It's impossible to contemplate how intrusive it was, into every single aspect of her life.

"The last time I spoke with her, she said that were it not for the boys, she'd be off the board. The country is stunned."

The pair then discussed the details of the crash that had caused Diana's death.