Britain's Prince William was a lazy student at university.

Prince William

Prince William

The 33-year-old royal - the grandson of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip - has admitted he didn't take his studying very seriously when he attended St Andrew's University.

Speaking to students during a visit to Oxford University's Magdalen College to open a brand new library, he said: "I can't say I was a regular attender of libraries."

But the prince believes his lack of library attendance was down to how poor the conditions were at his university.

Dayna Hamilton, a third-year engineering student at Magdalen, spoke to William and said he claimed he would have been more inclined to study if he had somewhere like Magdalen's £11 million newly-refurbished library.

She explained to the Daily Mail newspaper: "He said if this was his library he would have gone a little bit more."

During his afternoon visit, William was given the opportunity to tour the college's recently renovated Longwall Library.

However, it didn't take the prince long to realise the students weren't actually studying and their books had just been strategically placed on the desks as props.

Jack Barber, 21, who is studying history at Magdalen and helped raise money for the refurbishment, said: "He saw my book and it was obviously the first one I plucked off the shelf. He said, 'Enjoy your pretend studying.' "

Before he left, William unveiled a plaque to officially open the Longwall Library and received a copy of 'Hidden Magdalen' from college president Professor David Clary.

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