Prince William

Prince William

Britain's Prince William listens to Buffalo noises to relax.

The Duke of Cambridge - who welcomed his first child Prince George into the world with his wife Duchess Catherine in July - admits he enjoys listening to a range of animal sounds in order to help him unwind following a stressful day because it takes him back to happy memories in Africa.

Speaking in ITV's documentary 'New Father, New Hope', he said: "I do regularly daydream, and Africa is definitely one of the places I go to. I've got hundreds of animals on my iPhone, noises and sounds of the bush, so if I'm having a stressful day, I'll put a buffalo, a cricket or a newt on and it takes you back instantly to the bush. And it does completely settle me down."

The prince - who is the patron for the charity Tusk - has a close connection to the world's second largest continent and enjoys going back there as often as he can because he loves the "sense of freedom" he gets from the country.

He explained: "For me, it's a sense of freedom. Being out in the middle of nowhere in Africa, looking at the projects, seeing the beauty of nature and the natural world, is just phenomenal.

"I love the fact you can go into any village in Kenya or the east coast of Africa and just walk in and have a chat with someone and they have absolutely no idea who you are. Usually my Swahili stops after about two sentences but we muddle through in English!"