Britain's Prince Harry has penned a letter detailing his sadness at the death of an inspirational five-year-old boy.
The 30-year-old royal handed an award to Carson Hartley last year and was so touched by his "tremendous spirit" that he decided to write a letter to the boy's grieving mother.
The prince wrote: "I was so very sad to hear the tragic news.
"Carson made such an impression on me at the Wellchild awards last year with his warm smile and hugs. He showed so much happiness with such a positive outlook, despite the challenges he faced.
"Carson was a wonderful young boy and I am delighted to have had the chance to meet him.
"I wanted to let you know how sorry I am to hear of your loss and pass to you my heartfelt condolences."
Carson was born 13 weeks premature and suffered a host of health problems during his life, including a heart defect and brittle bone disease.
He passed away earlier this month, but his mother, Kirsty, was thrilled to have received the letter from the prince.
She told the Liverpool Echo newspaper: "We were having a really rubbish day and we hadn't been home since Carson had died, but we had to go and drop some things off.
"The letter was behind the door. I opened it not really paying attention but once I saw the royal stamp and the H on the envelope I knew it was important.
"My heart burst with pride, I cried, it was so bittersweet but just reflects exactly what we thought of Harry when we met him.
"He is so nice, genuine and really took an interest.
"I couldn't believe he remembered Carson but like we always said, once met never forgotten."
Tagged in Prince Harry