Prince Harry

Prince Harry

Prince Harry has called his nephew Prince George a "young Winston Churchill".

The 29-year-old royal was celebrating the Queen's official birthday in Santiago, Chile, when he revealed to radio presenter Virginia Araya that the 11-month-old's "chubby cheeks" reminded him of the former Prime Minister.

Virginia told US Weekly: "I asked him what George was like. He said, 'He's growing up. He is walking, and he has big, chubby cheeks. He looks like a young Winston Churchill.'"

Harry - who gave a speech during the celebration focussing on his experiences in South America - previously visited Brazil's notorious 'Crackland' during his stay in the country for the 2014 FIFA World Cup last week.

The royal heir was left emotionally raw after a chaotic trip to the infamous area of Sao Paulo dubbed 'Cracolandia', where the drug is sold for 80p a rock.

Harry met with recovering addicts enrolled in a controversial government programme which helps them turn their lives around by giving them a hostel bed, meals and jobs as morning street cleaners for £4 a day, as well as taking courses in the afternoon.

The prince tried to keep his cool as he chatted to the addicts via an interpreter and asked questions about their unfortunate circumstances.

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