Prince Harry

Prince Harry

Prince Harry "loves" reading comic books.

The 30-year-old royal has admitted that he loves reading graphic novels over traditional books.

His Royal Highness revealed his preference for cartoons to the illustrator Will Kevans, who presented Prince Harry with a comic strip called 'My Life In Pieces: The Falklands War', about the 1982 Falklands war.

The pair met when Prince Harry appeared at the Army Arts Society event at Westminster Abbey, London on Friday (07.11.14).

Recalling their conversation,Will shared: "[Prince Harry said:] 'I don't read many books but I love comics. I might actually read that.'"

Will - a former Welsh Guardsman who fought in the Falklands war - added: "I was just impressed that he took the time to come over and talk about it all.

"Basically, I told him about my experiences in the Falklands.

"I was unhurt but I think most of us had psychological issues when we came back.

"The whole idea of the Army Arts Society is that soldiers are given painting kits so that when they are away they can practise their art. All I had was Cunard notepaper."

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