Britain's Prince George joined his mother and father for the first time on an official engagement on Friday (08.07.16).

The Cambridge family

The Cambridge family

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge surprised visitors at the Royal International Air Tattoo at the Royal Air Force in Fairford by bringing the two-year-old royal in tow.

And it seems Prince William's passion for flying is starting to rub off on little George - who covered his ears with noise-cancelling protectors - as the youngster pointed at planes in the sky and squealed before calling out parts of the aircraft.

Flight Lieutenant Jim Hobkirk told "I imagine his father has told him about helicopters, so he knew what that was called and kept saying, 'tail rotor.' It was good to see his technical knowledge! Some training going on early!"

Little George joined his parents, who also have 14-month-old daughter Princess Charlotte, just before lunchtime as he hopped out of of the royal couple's lavish Range Rover and was taken along a line of RAF cadets.

Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty explained: "He [George] was pointing out the aircraft in the sky. He's clearly interested. The Duchess said to thank the air cadets for the work they're doing here. She's a great patron."

The family were then given the opportunity to climb in a Squirrel helicopter and get up close to the controls in the cockpit, but little George didn't seem overly impressed.

Mr Hobkirk said: "He seemed overawed with the noise and being inside a helicopter. It was a lovely family moment. We shut the doors so they could have a quiet moment to themselves."