Princess Stéphanie of Monaco's daughter has picked up the "circus bug" from her.

Princess Stéphanie of Monaco

Princess Stéphanie of Monaco

The 50-year-old royal attended the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival in Monaco with her 21-year-old daughter Pauline Ducruet, who is keen to following in her mother's footsteps with support for the circus.

A source said: "Pauline loves the circus and says she doesn't understand people who don't. She loves it for the variety of the shows themselves, the commitment, the passion of the performers."

The New Generation Festival - which sees young circus acts compete against each other - was reportedly organised for Pauline to "learn the ropes".

The source continued to PEOPLE magazine: "[The New Generation Festival] was organised partly to let Pauline learn the ropes. It was her choice but there's great complicity between Stephanie and Pauline. They share a lot - like friends do.

"Watch them at the performances. They sit and talk non-stop to one another. They keep a running commentary up on acts, critiquing tricks. If you watch them closely, the even laugh at the same gags. The Grimaldis [Monaco's royal family] are a circus family. It's in their genes."