Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge surprised school children with Christmas cards after receiving their handmade gifts.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George and Princess Charlotte

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George and Princess Charlotte

Prince William and his wife Duchess Catherine - who have two-year-old son Prince George and six-month-old daughter Princess Charlotte together - sent cards to pupils in reception classes Rabbits and Squirrels at the Forest School in Snaresbrook, north east London, to thank them.

The card read: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George and Princess Charlotte thank the children in Squirrels and Rabbits Class at Forest School for the very kind handmade card sent at Christmas and send their best wishes for the New Year."

The message, which was sent in cards addressed to each class, was written alongside a photograph of the family taken before Charlotte's christening earlier this year.

Head of the pre-preparatory school, Paul Falkner said: "The children were very excited to receive the reply from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

"We didn't expect to get a reply so quickly, but it was lovely for the children to receive it just before the Christmas break.

"The card will be shared with the whole school during our end of term assemblies, and as the pupils will be learning more about the Royal Family next year, it's a great way for them to learn more about them."

The school was first visited by members of the royal family in 1878.