An acclaimed doctor, who once starred in BBC One's 'Helicopter Heroes Down Under', has joined Prince William's air ambulance team.

Prince William

Prince William

Dr Sarah McNeilly is the latest recruit to the East Anglian Air Ambulance service, which is based in Cambridge and serves Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire.

The London-born anaesthetist is expected to send six months with the unit.

She is a familiar face to British TV viewers thanks to her participation in the 10-episode spin-off of 'Helicopter Heroes', which followed a number of UK medics in Australia.

William began working with the East Anglian Air Ambulance last July and completed four rescue missions in his first week.

William made four potentially life-saving trips during the seven days; firstly to Garboldisham in Norfolk and then Felixstowe in Suffolk, where he rescued a man suffering a heart attack. Later in the week, he attended an incident in Colchester, Essex, whilst another mission saw him head to Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

And the royal revealed he took on the role because he sees it as the type of job which will help him "to be a good guy".

He explained: "For me it is also really important to be grounded. I feel doing a job like this really helps with grounding the core of what I am trying to become ... just trying to be a good guy, trying to do what you can, trying be a decent individual, thoughtful. Qualities in people that you would want to be associated with."

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