Britain's Queen Elizabeth helps David Cameron clear his head.

The monarch meets with the Prime Minister for an hour every Wednesday evening and though he admits he is unsure how much "benefit" the queen gets from their discussions, the politician finds them incredibly useful.

Queen Elizabeth helps David Cameron clear his head and he finds their weekly meetings very useful

He said: "I am not sure it is always of huge benefit to her, but it is of great benefit to me.

"I find it helps sort out the problems in my own head about the things we need to do."It is probably one of the most valuable hours that I have because when you think of Her Majesty, I am her 12th Prime Minister. She started with Winston Churchill and she has literally heard it all before."

And Mr Cameron paid tribute to the queen for being an "amazing" public servant who is "magnificent" in her duties.

He added: "I think she is the most amazing public servant.

"I think we are so lucky to have a symbol of national unity that we do in our royal family and to have someone who has fulfilled that role so magnificently for all these years.

"It is hard to think of a time when she has ever put a foot wrong.

"I think she is an absolutely magnificent person in the work she does."

And the Prime Minister feels lucky he gets to meet with her regularly.

He said "It is a privilege to spend a bit of time with her."

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