Prince Philip, Samantha Cameron, Queen Elizabeth and David Cameron
David Cameron finds his weekly audiences with Britain's Queen Elizabeth extremely "valuable".
The British Prime Minister meets with the monarch once a week and enjoys their discussions because she is always familiar with the problems and dilemmas he faces.
He said: "You are very conscious...that I am her 12th (leader). She started with Winston Churchill and she has heard it all before.
"I think prime ministers find it very valuable to try and explain the difficult decisions and problems the country faces in the presence of someone who has heard and seen all these problems before."
The politician - who meets with the monarch without advisers present - admits he has to be knowledgeable for the meetings because the queen knows so much.
He told BBC Radio 2 DJ Steve Wright: "You have to make sure you are well-informed too if I can put it that way."
Mr. Cameron was asked whether courtiers brought the conversations to a close or whether the queen "wrapped it up", but said it "naturally comes to an end".
There is no official record of what is said at the hour-long meetings, which have been taking place since 1952.
Tagged in Queen Elizabeth David Cameron