Britain's Prince Charles has been praised for his caring nature.

Prince Charles

Prince Charles

The royal paid a visit to Cumbria in north west England, which has been devastated by floods after Storm Desmond, and locals were impressed with Charles for taking the time to check on how they are coping.

Barry Cookson told the Daily Mail: "What a lovely man. He really seemed to care. He asked in detail about how I am coping, what support we've had.

"I didn't know what to expect but he was very kind and I got the sense that he really wants to be here. I heard that he specifically asked to come before Christmas - that's how much he's bothered about us.

"It's a great way to shed light on the fact that, on Christmas week, we are still struggling."

Keith Wright, who is currently staying in a hotel with his wife after their house was destroyed, was also touched by Charles' kindness.

He said: "I thought he appeared very genuine. I'm a monarchist but he did appear genuine. I'm told possibly he could not get here because of the weather but he really, really wanted to come.

"He was just very apologetic and just hoping things were going to work out for the future. I'm quite an optimistic person by heart. My wife is very upset."

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