Britain's Prince William has unveiled a treaty that he believes will be a "game changer in the race against extinction".

Britain's Prince William

Britain's Prince William

The 33-year-old royal thanked guests who attended the United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce declaration signing for their "passion" in "developing this plan to fight criminal traffickers".

Speaking at the event, he said: "I asked you [Lord Hague] to bring together an international group of leaders from the transportation, customs and conservation sectors to develop a plan of action to crack down on trafficking routes. That we are here today signing such a plan in this historic room is a testament, William, to your skill, commitment, and energy.

"And to Tony and all of you who are about to sign this declaration, can I also say thank you. You have given us your time, your expertise, and your passion to develop this plan to fight criminal traffickers.

"From an original group of 12 members, today 40 leaders representing hundreds of organisations will commit to this ambitious declaration. All of you have my greatest thanks."

The father-of-two also warned of "hard work" ahead but praised the signatories for "really stepping up to the plate".

He added: "Now, while I am hugely grateful for all that you have done, I am afraid the hard work is actually still in front of us. If we are to prove that the transportation industry and customs agencies are really stepping up to the plate, we have to quickly implement the commitments we are agreeing today."

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