Britain's Prince William made a surprise visit to a school whilst on duty with the East Anglian Air Ambulance service.

Britain's Prince William

Britain's Prince William

The 33-year-old royal popped into the John Henry Newman School in Stevenage, Hertfordshire for his lunch break.

Headteacher Clive Matthew said: "It was really quite bizarre. We have the air ambulance use the school site quite regularly and whenever they land the staff go out, we clear the field of children and offer the crew refreshments.

"We didn't realise who was on the helicopter at the time. And then Prince William jumped off and came into the school. He was great. He queued up with the children, he got himself some lunch and sat down. Then he was surrounded by a group of Year 11 boys who had a chat with him - it was really lovely."

The pupils are very used to air ambulance pilots joining them for lunch as the school's play field doubles as a helicopter pad for the nearby Lister Hospital.

The Duke of Cambridge was warmly welcomed by the staff and pupils and complemented the school's food.

Clive told BBC News: "One of the boys sat opposite the prince and was shaking so much he nearly lost the pasta off the end of his fork ... [William] did compliment the meal, saying it was very good."

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